chakra stones and crystals can be utilized in many different ways, with jewelry being one way of using them effectively. Other techniques involve creating a crystal grid or employing energy healing sessions with them as tools.

Orange carnelian can help decrease apathy while increasing creativity, courage, self-confidence and ability to face and overcome challenges. Furthermore, this stone stimulates circulation while improving overall health.

Wearing them as jewelry

Wearing chakra gemstone jewelry can help you feel more energised, balanced, and connected with the universe. These gems are associated with specific energy centers of the body and have been proven to strengthen immunity, boost feelings of well-being and promote emotional equilibrium – as well as provide success, prosperity and fulfilment in all areas of your life.

When selecting a chakra stone, be sure to research its unique properties and how it will best meet your needs. Furthermore, regularly cleansing chakra crystals of any “negative” or “foreign” energy is also crucial in keeping them at optimal performance and will prevent detrimental health impacts on yourself and others who come in contact with it. You can do this by placing it in a bowl of dirt for one hour in direct sunlight – both methods will clear away accumulated energy while clearing them for their next use.

Creating a crystal grid

Crystal grids can be an effective way to manifest our intentions and heal ourselves. Distilling the power of various gemstones to reach your intention, they use energy from different gemstones that resonate with what you want to accomplish – be it easier results or tough-to-attain goals. Ready-made grid patterns or creating your own can be purchased, then focus your energy using central crystal and amplifying stones to transmit your intention into reality.

Start by gathering crystals and setting an intention through meditation. When clear on what your intention is, write it into the center of your grid. Select stones surrounding the central crystal to arrange in an orderly geometric fashion around it; arrange these surrounding stones into geometric arrangements around this central stone. Finally, add amplifying stones (typically quartz points or tumbles) either within your outer grid or between adjacent stones as needed to complete your design.

Once all your crystals have been placed, connect them. This step resembles connecting dots in a game of connect-the-dots while metaphysically unifying your crystals.

Using them in energy healing sessions

Chakra stones can be powerful tools for improving energy healing sessions. You can incorporate them into crystal grids or simply place them on a person’s body during reiki, massage therapy or other healing modalities. Incorporating chakra stones into new or full moon ceremonies as well as supporting any individual chakras that require additional support can all add a level of depth to these ceremonies.

Before using your chakra crystals for healing purposes, it is vitally important that they are free from any foreign energies and negative vibrations that could build up over time. Cleansing should take place regularly and storage should take place in an emotionally neutral area such as mesh or cotton bags to avoid contamination from other crystals in their vicinity.

Trust your intuition when using chakra crystals – each chakra has different colors and healing properties, so let your intuition guide your selection process when selecting stones to work with. In time, the right stone will come your way at just the right moment!


Chakra stones can help cleanse and balance your energy centers while also aiding physical healing. To maximize their effect, choose crystals that resonate with both your personal energy and intuition, then cleanse the stones both prior and after use by either placing them in water for an hour before being put under direct sunlight for at least an hour.

The Throat Chakra, or Vishudda in Sanskrit, relates to self-expression, communication and truth. Its soothing energies promote acceptance and harmony within groups; placing lapis lazuli or celestite stones here may promote spiritual growth as well as clarity of thought and self-expression.

Peach Selenite is an effective throat chakra unblocker that promotes emotional healing and allows one to let go of negativity. Orange Calcite encourages playfulness while increasing creativity and sexual energy. Carnelian is one of the best Sacral Chakra stones available, supporting motivation, endurance, and vitality.