Chakra stones and crystals are believed to help align with our bodies’ seven energy centers (known as chakras), helping promote health and healing. According to belief, they contain vibrational frequencies which help clear away blocks or imbalances within those chakras.

Before using chakra stones, it’s essential to cleanse them of any negative energy they may have absorbed. You can do this by running water over them, smudging with palo santo or selenite smoke, or leaving them out in sunlight or moonlight for several hours.


As with other crystals, chakra stones must be cleansed before use to ensure optimal results during healing sessions. They absorb an enormous amount of energy that could potentially harm you during sessions if they contain negative vibes that get transmitted back through to you during healing sessions.

Rinsing chakra stones with water is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to cleanse them, providing thorough cleansing without adding impurities to their surface. If possible, select a natural stream or brook so as to provide optimal conditions.

Leave your chakra stones outdoors or near a window for solar or moonlight exposure, which helps clear them of any negative energy by reconnecting them to Earth’s natural energies. Or use sound waves; try placing chakra stones near a bell, gong, singing bowl etc to reset their energy. Furthermore, crystals can also be cleansed using wafting sage smoke over them for best results.


Chakra stones and crystals can be programmed with specific intentions and affirmations to enhance their healing properties, supporting chakra healing on all levels while increasing wellbeing on an all-encompassing basis. This practice offers an effective means for supporting holistic wellbeing.

To program a chakra stone or crystal, find a quiet space and free your mind of distractions. This will enable you to enter a peaceful state and connect with its energy. Listening to soothing music or practicing a seven chakra meditation may also help.

Once your crystal has been cleansed, hold it in your hands and focus on setting an intention that relates to its corresponding chakra. This could be in the form of positive affirmations or simple mantras that resonate with its energy. Adding extra positive vibes by placing it under sunlight or moonlight for several hours is also helpful in infusing its energy with positive vibes.


Chakra stones can be worn as jewelry, carried in your pocket or pouch, placed on your body during meditation or energy work sessions, or kept in a room to promote positive energy flow. They can even be imbued with specific qualities (such as strength or calmness) to foster healthier lifestyle habits and mindsets.

Heart chakra healing stones increase compassion and empathy while healing emotional wounds and encouraging forgiveness. On the other hand, throat chakra crystals help ease anxiety associated with speaking your truth, encourage clear expression and increase self-confidence.

Citrine can help bring prosperity and abundance into your life by amplifying creativity and increasing personal power. Black obsidian is an effective protective stone which grounds and dissipates negativity while hematite can balance emotions while strengthening earth connections.


Chakra stones and crystals are believed to provide protection, healing, and transformation. Additionally, they may help align and balance our seven energy centers (known as chakras ), leading to improved physical and spiritual well-being. Each chakra has a color associated with it as well as energy vibration frequency; stones with this matching vibrational frequency may help clear blockages from any specific chakra.

Blocked chakras can lead to various symptoms, including anxiety, fear and feelings of disconnection; using chakra stones regularly can help alleviate these side effects while supporting holistic healing.

Once your chakra stones have been cleansed and programmed, it is crucial that they be stored appropriately to preserve their energy. Some choose to store their stones in pouches, small bags or special places in their home that feel safe and clean while others wear their chakra stones as jewelry such as necklaces, earrings and bracelets – regardless of your choice it’s always wise to keep your stones away from children and pets as these could transmit negative energy to them.