Chakra stones and crystals have long been used to help balance energy within the body. You can utilize them in meditation practices or healing rituals to find emotional harmony and spiritual development.

Lapis lazuli is associated with the third eye chakra and encourages truthful expression and intuition. Sodalite and celestite stones also aid spiritual awareness when worn on this chakra.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is known for its endurance and nurturing energy. It can help people feel safe during difficult times, while increasing motivation and willpower. Red Jasper was often chosen by warriors and Vikings needing courage as well as strong spiritual connections on battlefield.

Red jasper stimulates the root chakra and balances emotions, clearing away toxins from your body while increasing blood circulation and helping balance hormones. It is an excellent stone to use during meditation since it will encourage awakening of Kundalini energy (hinduism’s life force energy).

For maximum effectiveness with Red Jaspers, it is wise to cleanse and charge them regularly. This can be accomplished either through washing them under warm water, or via one of many techniques including Reiki.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is revered for its powerful protective energies and acts as an energy shield that deflects negative energies or psychic attacks, alleviating stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, this crystal can help balance root chakra and promote feelings of stability and security.

Crystal therapy can be particularly helpful to individuals suffering from panic attacks, as it helps them remain calm and focus on positive thoughts and actions. Furthermore, crystals can also be used to break unhelpful habits and turn them into positive practices.

Black Tourmaline should always be cleansed and charged prior to use, either by holding it in your hands while visualizing or visualizing its protective or grounding intentions, or placing it under full moon or sunlight to harness its positive energy.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye stones are known to bring with them positive energies and qualities such as abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Additionally, it helps people build courage, strength and confidence allowing them to overcome challenges and pursue their goals more easily.

Healing properties of crystals can help mend relationships between themselves and others, dispelling fears and balancing emotions. Furthermore, their abilities may assist with dispelling any limiting beliefs surrounding money or finances that prevent growth – opening the way to prosperity.

Tiger’s eye is associated with both solar plexus and root chakras, providing additional personal power, self-confidence, willpower and balance to individuals. It has also been connected to Leo and Capricorn zodiac signs as well as to the endocrine system; placing one in your home or workplace environment can promote balance and productivity.


Bloodstone is believed to have purifying and grounding energies, invigorating courage, self-esteem, and strength during difficult times. It can be used in chakra meditation to activate root and heart chakras for feelings of security and well-being.

Meditation with a bloodstone crystal can help relax and center the mind while encouraging emotional balance and forgiveness. Meditation may also assist with relieving fearful and anxious feelings by dispelling negative emotions from within.

Many people use bloodstone to cleanse their homes and spaces from negativity. Placing stones in direct sunlight is another effective method, though beware as long exposure could discolor crystals. Sound cleansing via singing bowls or bells may also work to cleanse these crystals effectively.


Black onyx is an incredible stone for shielding oneself against negative energies and strengthening self-control, helping overcome bad habits by grounding and balancing the body. It is especially helpful for healers who take in patient energy – as its presence helps shield them against this energy source.

Black onyx stimulates the Root Chakra to promote feelings of stability, strength and security. Furthermore, this stone has also been known to build emotional resilience while relieving stress.

To cleanse an Onyx crystal, simply pass it through the smoke of sacred herbs such as sage, cedar or palo santo. Or you could use sound vibrations to do it for you: gently shake your crystal in your hands or place it near a musical instrument that emits clear, resonant tones to bring about cleansing.