chakra stones

Chakra stones can help strengthen the intentions, qualities and spiritual powers associated with each of your seven major energy centers. When worn as jewelry or added to crystal grids in your home or simply placed around your environment, chakra stones can magnify their impact.

Clear or white healing crystals resonate with all seven chakras and amplify their characteristics. For best results, place these stones under natural sunlight or moonlight for daily cleansing purposes.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite is a crystal that helps you embrace your truth while dispelling illusion. Healers believe this stone promotes understanding of what cannot be changed while relieving anxiety to allow people to move forward with confidence.

Blue Apatite offers an exquisite aesthetic, from its soothing sky blue hues to darker oceanic tones. Its beautiful appeal makes it a popular choice for jewelry and decor, and comes in various sizes such as large points and spheres or loose pocket stones.


Aquamarine stimulates the Throat Chakra to promote clear communication and understanding. It may aid with issues related to thyroid, soothe throat irritation and relieve stress; additionally it is thought to boost self-confidence while simultaneously encouraging fearlessness towards new challenges.

This stone is widely recognized for its natural ability to boost mood, particularly for those suffering from anxiety and depression. It helps balance emotions while opening up one’s heart, encouraging trust and love to flow freely through it.

This crystal is water-loving and can be cleansed using cold running water or left out to dry in direct sunlight. Furthermore, this stone loves rainstorms; placing one outside during spring or summer storms for extra cleansing energy!


Carnelian is an expressive stone, exuding fiery passion. It fosters creativity, self-expression and emotional healing while simultaneously encouraging personal development and overcoming fear or isolation.

Carnelian has the energetic properties to dispel mental lethargy, improve concentration and foster clear communication – as well as protection from anger, resentment and envy.

As with other fiery stones, Carnelian has an incredible power to stimulate the sacral chakra and can bring an enhanced sense of vitality and physical energy. Furthermore, it may aid with sexual performance while simultaneously increasing libido. Carnelian is especially effective with people born under Virgo sign.


Moonstones ethereal charm has long been associated with its connection to the moon, helping balance feminine energies and foster intuitive awareness. Moonstone may also foster spiritual curiosity, increase sensitivity and promote emotional balance.

Moonstone can be particularly helpful during periods of change and transition, including pregnancy and menstrual issues. Additionally, moonstone may help increase fertility in women and boost their reproductive system overall. Pendulum work using Moonstone allows individuals to tune into their intuition and unlock psychic abilities.


Chalcedony, a crystalline form of quartz, benefits the throat chakra and improves communication. Its soothing energy can assist with overcoming fear and phobias; additionally it may increase creativity by helping you find your muse.

This crystal encourages feelings of kindness and generosity, helping ease self-doubt while turning melancholy into joy. Additionally, it promotes sweet speech, well-formed opinions, and intuitively knows when it’s best to stay silent or speak up.

According to tradition, Sagittarius birthstones can provide protection from psychic attacks and negative energies like bad dreams or hostile people. Therefore it makes an excellent gift.


Bloodstone’s reputation as an intuitive healer offers clarity when making decisions, which makes it especially helpful for leadership roles as well as anyone requiring courage and emotional strength to tackle difficult situations head-on.

Leavy asserts that Jasper is an ideal stone for awakening one’s root chakra and grounding themselves. Furthermore, Jasper can promote intuitive dreaming while attuning themselves with DNA and ancestral energies, making it perfect for use when doing ancestral work.

Historical accounts link its dark inclusions with Christ’s blood dripping from his cross, making it an attractive option for warriors and athletes who used it as an aid for healing and strength.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is known for its powerful protective properties and is an excellent stone to help shield those sensitive to electromagnetic forces (EMFs). It absorbs negative energy that may enter homes, offices, or spiritual spaces by effectively blocking it out.

Capricorns, who tend to be unflinching realists, will find Black Tourmaline helps ease anxiety and keep them grounded in reality. Furthermore, it serves as an energetic shield, protecting Capricorns against negative energy or feelings of doubt that might hamper their journey to success.

Place a tumbled piece near an entrance to keep negativity out, and carry one in your pocket as an ongoing source of grounding and protection. Black Tourmaline can be cleaned safely with water but avoid submersion for extended periods.