Chakra stones can be powerful tools for creating balance and healing within your energy centers. They can be worn as jewelry or placed directly onto the body during meditation sessions to bring balance. Furthermore, chakra stones can even be made into chakra stone elixirs to further help with their use.

When choosing chakra stones, follow your instinct. Each chakra has a distinctive color associated with it; similarly, crystals have healing properties which correspond with these hues.

Choose the Right Stone

When selecting chakra stones, trust your instinct. Look for crystals that feel right when held. Additionally, select stones based on their special properties or select one according to your zodiac/birthstone sign.

After selectinging your chakra stones, they must be cleansed and charged before use. You can do this by placing them on a Selenite plate or leaving them out in sunlight or moonlight to absorb any positive energy that might pass through them.

Store chakra stones alongside crystals and gemstones with complementary energies in order to maximize their healing powers and balance and unblock chakras more quickly and efficiently. You can find chakra stones at either brick-and-mortar stores or online vendors.

Cleanse Your Stones

No matter where or how you use chakra stones – whether for meditation practice, crystal grids or energy healing sessions – regular cleansing and charging helps your gemstones operate at full potential and deepens your relationship with them. By clearing away negative energies that have built up over time, cleansing allows your stones to continue functioning at their optimal performance and deepens your relationship.

Traditional methods involve submerging stones in salt water overnight to absorb negative energies and restore their clarity. While this method can be successful for certain crystals and stones, its application to others could alter or even damage their appearance.

Another natural method for cleansing chakra stones is placing them in direct sunlight or moonlight. While sunlight provides male energy that stimulates and revitalizes, moonlight provides more feminine energies that nourish and refresh them.

Charge Your Stones

Once your stones have been thoroughly cleansed, it is crucial that they be charged. Similar to charging your phone, charging helps restore their energy back into their natural vibration and can be done either by placing them in sunlight, moonlight or earth energy.

Sunlight can help stimulate crystals associated with physical body functioning, such as carnelian or hematite. Moonlight, on the other hand, is ideal for rejuvenating amethyst or fluorite that has strong links to heart chakras or higher chakras.

Utilizing your breath is another easy and straightforward way to recharge crystals. Hold the stone in your dominant hand, breathe into it slowly for approximately one minute until you notice an increase in energy from within it. For additional power up, tuning forks or singing bowls are also excellent tools for this purpose.

Program Your Stones

Some crystal enthusiasts choose to program their stones with specific intentions in mind, placing energy within it to perform its intended function. Setting an intention and focus for your stone allows it to act more effectively as intended.

Use flame or smoke to dispel any negative energy from a stone and charge it with positive, renewing energy. This works especially well when working with stones that respond well to fire, such as Pyrite or Agate.

Placing crystals in sunlight can help clear and recharge them. Particularly darker stones like Carnelian and Obsidian love to soak up sunlight’s rays to reach their full potential. You could also try smudging them using the smoke of a burning sage wand; or holding your stone under running water to cleanse and recharge.

Store Your Stones

Keep your crystals away from moisture and sunlight to protect against negative energy, maintain healing properties, and ward off physical damage.

Store crystals in a glass display cabinet if you prefer having them visible in your home, but remember they can absorb negative energies from people viewing them, which may impact their healing qualities.

If a glass cabinet isn’t possible, choose to store your crystals in a wooden or stone box instead, which will protect them from moisture, dust and direct sunlight.

Sort and store your crystals by texture, hardness and size to preserve their healing properties. Avoid placing crystals with opposing energies together as this may alter their flow of energy and disrupt its flow.