Align and strengthen your chakras with healing crystals to boost health. Wear chakra stones as jewelry or simply place them around the house for quick energy cleansing.

Crystals that stimulate the throat chakra such as Apatite facilitate communication, encouraging you to speak your truth freely and increase intuition and spiritual awareness.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, often referred to as the Love Stone, activates the heart chakra and encourages unconditional love between oneself and others. This healing stone can assist with emotional trauma as well as promote compassion for humanity as a whole.

The soft pink emanations from this crystal bring comfort and soothe anyone holding onto past hurts from previous experiences, encouraging them to forgive themselves for mistakes made and accept love that comes their way from others. It is especially useful for those suffering sexual abuse or heart-related trauma.

Chrysocolla, an emotional healing stone, works well when combined with Clear Quartz for amplifying love and abundance energies. Clear Quartz also amplifies crown chakra vibrations to aid manifesting one’s intentions more quickly.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite crystal can help heal hearts and inspire manifestation. It is said to relieve fear and anxiety while opening one up to trust their intuition more freely. Furthermore, this blue crystal can unlocked dormant psychic abilities that lie dormant as well as enhance communication and learning processes.

This blue stone is associated with the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. It may help enhance psychic powers as well as assist lucid dreaming. Furthermore, it has become popular for past-life recall.

Charge up your Blue Apatite by holding it near sound or moonlight energy sources. Or place it under your pillow for clarity in dreams.


As its name implies, this blue gemstone resembles the ocean. Its soothing energies have been said to provide peace and clarity for wearers.

Stone of Truth is widely considered to be an effective physical healing stone. This soothing crystal helps soothe sore throats while supporting healthy respiratory and thyroid function, and has strong links with throat chakra. Furthermore, its strong connections are said to promote clear communication skills.

To unleash the healing properties of aquamarine stones, hold one in your hands and gaze upon it while closing your eyes and relaxing. Repete this process every day to maximize their effectiveness as healing crystals.

Red Jasper

Red jasper is an effective means of protecting individuals against harmful energy, while its nurturing energy promotes stability and encourages an enhanced connection to our planet.

This powerful stone is often associated with the root chakra, which represents our connection to and engagement in the world around us. It can help strengthen endurance, strength and willpower as well as create an enduring sense of self-worth and wellbeing.

An amethyst stone may help ease feelings of shame or guilt and help break free from self-destructive patterns, while also relieving nosebleeds, alleviating gout symptoms, and dissipating anger. Furthermore, being very earthly itself, this particular gemstone likes being returned back into nature so its energy can recharge back into itself.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is revered for its protective energies. It’s thought to create a shield around individuals or spaces, shielding against negative energies and psychic attacks.

Grounding stones have long been used to help balance the Root Chakra, providing a sense of security and wellbeing. If the Root Chakra becomes out-of-balanced, it may lead to fearfulness, low self-esteem, low energy levels and selfishness – conditions which may manifest themselves through fearfulness.

To use black tourmaline effectively, cleanse it with an appropriate herb and place it as an energetic protector in your home or office. Black tourmaline also makes an excellent addition to crystal grids and meditation practices.


Carnelian is an iconic gemstone representing strength, courage and vitality. It has long been recognized for enhancing mental abilities as well as intelligence – making it especially helpful for those suffering from depression or needing motivation.

Root Chakra-Carnelian connections emphasize grounding and stability, while Sacral Chakra relationships emphasize creativity and sensuality – encouraging Virgos to tap into their inner power and express true emotions.

Carnelian is believed to be beneficial in healing conditions related to throat, lung, and skin ailments as well as protecting against mystic attacks. You can even use this stone for protection from mysticism.