Crystals and gemstones have long held an allure for many. Many attribute their healing powers, balancing energy flow, and imparting strength or courage as potential qualities associated with crystals or gemstones.

Minerals form into one of seven crystal systems, namely isometric, cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, monoclinic or orthorhombic. But what exactly are these crystals?

Candice Galvez, gemmologist for Live Science. explains.

Natural Origins

Minerals form when trillions of atoms combine in precise three-dimensional patterns, producing various shapes and colors. Their crystal structures contain certain symmetry which gives gemstones their geometric form with flat faces that reflect light.

Crystalline structures form under specific temperatures and pressure conditions; carbon, for instance, organizes its atomic structures differently under such circumstances, giving rise to both hard, brilliant diamond and the soft black graphite used in pencil leads.

Over time, changes in environmental conditions may lead to different minerals forming on top of one another, for example a layer of feldspar covering an otherwise transparent quartz crystal. Such “phantom crystals” are frequently found in gemstones and are known as inclusions.

Origins of Gemstones

Gemstones have long been appreciated for their beauty and health benefits. Many cultures regard gemstones as tokens of health, wealth, luck and power; some even associate them with astrology while others regard them as sacred or possess spiritual powers.

Crystals and gemstones can be found both underground (intrusive) or surface of the Earth (extrusive), including amethyst, citrine, prasiolite rose quartz and smoky quartz as examples of intrusive formations and extrusives respectively.

Changed conditions within a mineral deposit can cause different minerals to overgrow existing ones, contributing to gemstone inclusions. These secondary crystal layers are known as “phantom crystals.”


Gemstones and crystals offer an amazing spectrum of colors. When selecting gemstones, its hue, saturation level, and transparency should all be taken into consideration.

Crystals are pure materials characterized by highly organized molecular patterns on a molecular level that form solids that extend in three dimensions. Their shapes can range from cubic to hexagonal to tetragonal to orthorhombic to monoclinic and even triclinic crystal systems.

Morganite is a pink to orange-pink variety of the beryl mineral family that includes emerald and aquamarine. The colour comes from trace amounts of manganese in its crystal structure.


Gem cutters use flat sides or faces known as facets to cut gemstones from crystals and fashion them into wearable jewels for customers. This process reveals their natural geometric forms like cubes and needles.

Under certain conditions, if conditions change rapidly enough, new minerals will form crystals over existing ones, creating what are known as “phantom crystals or inclusions”, such as feldspar covering quartz.

Kunzite, a pink to violet variety of spodumene, exudes feminine appeal. Lapis lazuli’s rich blue hue from Afghanistan is due to a combination of minerals including lazurite and calcite.

Healing Properties

Many cultures throughout history have long held that crystals possess curative powers for mind, body and spirit. Today’s New Age beliefs and holistic healing practices have reignited interest in these beautiful stones.

Selenite can reduce insomnia and support a healthy immune system, while covellite enhances intuition and spiritual gifts to create greater connection to the universe.

Crystal healers believe each stone possesses unique energy that can help address various health and wellbeing concerns. To optimize health and well-being, crystals should be worn on or near your body or placed underneath your pillow to increase well-being.

Recharging Crystals

Many crystals need to be recharged periodically, especially those that possess healing properties. When doing so, it’s essential that you tune into their energy guidance and follow its lead when charging up your crystals.

Recharging crystals in sunlight is an increasingly popular practice. Fans believe it brings vitality and power back into the stones’ bodies.

Some people like to recharge crystals with salt water, as this is believed to neutralize any negative energy and leave them clean and purified. Another popular practice involves bathing crystals in moonlight, particularly effective with those connected with lunar energies such as smoky quartz or hematite.

Making the Most of Natural Stones

Now that your crystals and gemstones have been properly cleansed, you can set explicit intentions for specific tasks or situations to enhance their natural energy inclinations to work toward positive outcomes. This will also enable their inherent energies to assist your goals more efficiently.

Natural stones differ from gems in that they grow out of the earth rather than being manufactured or mined and manufactured. Trillions of atoms assemble into astonishing patterns and structures as temperatures, pressures, chemistry of water or melted rock create ideal conditions to form new minerals – this is why you may find pyrite “after” marcasite, gypsum “after talc”, and malachite after azurite have formed over time.