meditation crystals

Crystals can greatly enhance any meditation practice. But before beginning, make sure your crystals have been cleansed to ensure a fulfilling meditation experience.

Set an intention, such as relaxing more or bringing new ideas and clarity. Holding the crystal and visualizing its energy may help facilitate meditation sessions and connect to it more deeply.


Celestite meditation crystal is ideal for anyone with strong intuitive or psychic powers. This soft blue stone helps increase emotional intelligence and open your crown chakra so you can connect to higher truths. Celestite can encourage trusting your angels’ power as you embrace your soul mission.

Celestite fosters self-love by encouraging you to recognize and nurture your inner strength and confidence, helping you be courageous in relationships and take up your deserved spotlight. Furthermore, celestite can soothe emotions when feeling overwhelmed or burnt out and facilitates forgiveness – offering inner peace in dysfunctional family or friendship dynamics.

Keep a piece of celestite nearby to help regulate your circadian rhythm and reduce headaches and migraines, and relieve symptoms associated with eye, nose and throat disorders. When ready to meditate with celestite, sit comfortably in an easy chair holding it in your non-dominant hand; visualise blue light emanating from it filling your entire body.


Aquamarine, an oceanic blue green crystal that conjures images of water, inspires truthful communication while soothing emotional trauma. Dubbed the Stone of Courage, Aquamarine helps boost self-confidence and spiritual growth while its connection with throat chakra provides efficient communication as well as eases public speaking anxiety.

Additionally, this crystal encourages a calm and rational mindset and is widely considered ideal for teachers and presenters. When in heated arguments it can help choose your words carefully, leading the conversation towards an amicable resolution.

For a deep energetic cleanse, place an Aquamarine under running water for several minutes and visualizing any negative energy dissolving away. To program your crystal with specific intentions, hold it in your hands while thinking about what you want it to help achieve and repeat this process regularly – this helps the crystal absorb and amplify your intentions, providing an invaluable companion in meditation practice.


Labradorite is an exquisite crystal that boasts mesmerizing colours. It has long been recognized for its ability to amplify one’s psychic capabilities and strengthen spiritual ties, and Labradorite serves as a wonderful reminder that one must remain open-minded when looking for healing stones that help with this endeavor.

Additionally, this beautiful gem provides emotional balance and promotes self-awareness. Furthermore, it may protect against energy leakage as well as psychic attacks by acting as a barrier against any negative energies that come its way.

Clearing your mind, stimulating intuition and clairvoyance as well as unlocking the third eye chakra are all great benefits of yoga for meditation practitioners, helping access intuition more easily as well as receiving guidance from spirit guides or higher consciousness is easier with yoga practice.

Labradorite can be placed in meditation spaces, altars, and sacred sites to invoke its protective, balancing energies into daily life. Furthermore, it makes an excellent workplace stone by helping reduce stress while encouraging positive emotions while stimulating creative output.


Obsidian, known as a stone of truth, is an exceptional protective crystal which works to keep your energy balanced and focused. Obsidian’s strong protection shield shields you from negative psychic attacks as well as interdimensional interferences.

As well as providing physical healing benefits, crystal healing provides deep emotional and soul healing as it dispels festering emotions associated with past experiences, clearing confusion and providing clarity. Crystal healing also serves as an ideal meditation crystal for creative professionals such as designers or musicians, helping access their inner creativity and spark new ideas.

As you meditate with your crystal, it is essential to set an intention that helps achieve your goal for that particular session. Mantras or visualization techniques may help ease you into meditation before inviting your crystal to support in reaching its goals for you. Once finished, take a momentous to express thanks for its help and energy, taking this positive feeling with you into the rest of your day.