crystal clarity

Crystals have long been revered as tools to increase energy, making them excellent tools for clarity and focus. From carrying them around with you or using them for meditation purposes to incorporating them in the home or office setting – these crystals will help you see things clearly while remaining calm.

Ancient civilizations admired clear quartz for its beauty and purported metaphysical powers; since then it has captured the hearts and imagination of many.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is considered to be one of the world’s greatest healers, acting as both a natural cleanser and amplifier of energy and intentions, helping to magnify energy, intentions, and emotional healing. It helps balance body and mind, soothe anxiety, calm headaches/migraines and provide headache relief. Clear quartz is also one of the zodiac sign Aries birthstones and believed to bring serenity and clarity to its bearer.

Askinosie suggests using a clear quartz crystal when meditating to deepen your state and enhance intuition. Pairing this technique with powerful intention-setting crystals like rose quartz (known for encouraging self-love and emotional healing) or frankincense (a spiritual stone that enhances meditation and promotes deeper states of awareness) will further deepen the meditative state.


Amethyst is an amulet known to alleviate anxiety and stress. Additionally, amethyst can aid sleep, reduce nightmares, instill psychic insights, and cleanse energy fields.

If you want to gain greater clarity to help ease any fears or uncertainties about the future, amethyst is an ideal stone to incorporate into your meditation space. Additionally, carry it around during the day in your purse, car or desk to bring peace and focus your thoughts on peace.

When purchasing amethyst gemstones, look for one with deep purple hue and no visible inclusions to ensure maximum value and quality for your money.


This crystal can help with emotional cleansing by dispelling negative feelings unrelated to their source. Furthermore, it can assist you in releasing suppressed memories and toxic emotions.

Col. Hendrik von Prehn was a Dutch mineralogist who first discovered this lovely gemstone in South Africa in the 18th century. It’s distinguished by a translucent green to deep olive hue with characteristic blobs or clusters found throughout.

Natural healers believe Prehnite can assist you in connecting with spirit guides, angelic beings and Archangel Rafael by keeping both mind and body healthy – which allows one to be open to receiving guidance from higher beings. Prehnite may also benefit the kidneys, bladder, thymus gland and shoulders as well as treating gout or blood disorders.


Charoite encourages feelings of unconditional love and is an excellent stone to wear when confronting trauma and grief. Wearing it helps release past events while simultaneously encouraging you to build your future according to yourself rather than other’s expectations.

Crystals like Jasper can help you access your inner strength to take bold steps towards reaching your goals and connect to your spirit animal, aid insomnia treatment and alleviate nightmares. Additionally, crystals may even assist with nightmares.

Add some charoite crystal to your pillow for a better night of restful slumber, which has been proven to clear away aura and increase mental clarity.


Citrine channels the energy of the Sun, embodying warmth, abundance and vitality. Citrine can help boost self-esteem for those born under Virgo zodiac sign; helping them rediscover their inner power and expand psychic awareness.

Citrine crystals can bring joy into the home and can assist with emotional growth and confidence development. Citrine also helps reduce fear of losing something and combat nightmares for restful night sleep.

Place citrine near the entryway of your workspace or home to maximize its energies throughout. Citrine can also help balance your Solar Plexus Chakra, promote positive changes to life, and bring clarity to intuition.