Clarity is one of the main criteria used to evaluate diamonds. It shows up any inclusions within the gemstone or crystal and demonstrates their visual presence.

When it comes to finding focus, healing crystals can provide invaluable assistance in clearing away mental fog and returning you to a state of clarity and purpose. Consider trying tiger’s eye, calcite or blue sapphire for added boost!

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is widely known for amplifying energy and intentions, making it the ideal tool for manifesting. Furthermore, its properties include harmonizing chakras and supporting spiritual development while offering communication channels between higher realms.

This crystal can help clear mental clutter and improve focus during meditation, making it especially useful in this practice. Additionally, its luminescent energy is thought to help calm the mind while relieving stress and anxiety.

Clear Quartz can offer emotional healing to those seeking deeper levels of consciousness, as its energy attracts those willing to explore more profound levels. Clear Quartz’s energy has long been recognized for assisting those who wish to explore higher planes of awareness by opening up pathways into deeper realms of thought and consciousness. It can help release emotional blockages by encouraging a healthy grieving process while stimulating emotional growth; additionally it acts as an excellent spring cleaner by clearing away old energies while welcoming in new ones; it is often recommended cleansing your Clear Quartz crystal by either smudging with sage or bathing it under moonlight for best results.


Citrine captures the light-giving energy of the sun, and is said to increase self-confidence and foster creativity. Citrine also works by dispelling negative energies such as anger or feelings of helplessness while eliminating fears and phobias.

Crystals of manifestation and abundance can help attract wealth and prosperity into a person’s life, encouraging personal development while stimulating the solar plexus chakra – which represents confidence, courage, and inner strength.

Citrine crystal is an effective healing and transformational tool, but to get maximum benefit out of its energy it’s essential that you set an intention. Affirm your goals each time you touch or meditate with it consciously stating them aloud. Citrine can also be placed in your feng shui “wealth” area (in the far left corner of your home) in order to bring more financial abundance into your life; and is particularly beneficial when going through career changes.


Malachite gives you the courage to transform areas of your life that require it and makes these transformations possible. It helps break old patterns and behaviors and allows you to express feelings freely – something shyness often prevents.

Its vibrant green energy fosters harmonious connections, helping you develop a greater sense of equilibrium and empathy for others. Furthermore, its effects can open your heart chakra up further to bring in more love – particularly self-love!

Malachite is an effective crystal for healing both physical and emotional trauma, often used for menstrual issues, balancing Kundalini energy, assisting childbirth, clearing toxic thought patterns, and rebalancing energy after illness. Placing one near your home or work desk may inspire creativity; to cleanse it safely place in water for several minutes or place in sunlight (but be wary not to expose for too long as its vibrant colors may fade), or bury in soil or use sage for cleansing it regularly.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz, one of the darkest varieties in the quartz family, serves as a grounding stone that connects us to earth and mother nature, honing psychic abilities and communicating with higher realms. Furthermore, it serves as an anchor stone to our root chakra, encouraging us to let go of old grudges, anger and fears that no longer contribute to our growth.

Smoky quartz crystal is a sought-after choice for those with sensitive energy systems, as it is believed to absorb electromagnetic radiation from electronics and radiation sources, helping improve overall health. A necklace made of this gemstone has long been worn to soothe digestive issues like bloating or trapped wind as well as providing relief for insomnia sufferers.

Smoky quartz jewellery, typically found as bracelets, rings and earrings is typically cut into round, oval or square shapes to achieve its signature style. Tumble stones also exist for use as healing and home and office decor tools.