Crystals are powerful healing tools, capable of healing and manifesting our intentions. Wear them as jewelry, use them to cleanse spaces or incorporate them into daily life – the energetic vibrations from these stones will pick up on and magnify any intentions behind the energy behind your intention.

Cleansing crystals helps prepare them for healing work by clearing away any stagnant or negative energies that have settled onto them. A quick way to energise your crystals is letting cool water run over them for several minutes until the water runs clear.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is a beloved crystal for spiritual development, protection and clarity. It can strengthen psychic abilities, foster prophetic visions and deepen one’s connection to their spirit guides while at the same time clearing energy of any negative impact or electromagnetic pollution. Black Obsidian also makes an effective protective stone against negative energies or electromagnetic pollution that might come its way.

Black Obsidian can offer protection, grounding, healing of the skeletal system and emotional release. It may help connect to your root chakra – which plays an integral part in both physical and emotional wellbeing – providing stability to life as a whole.

Black obsidian has many beneficial properties for homes or hearths, not least its protective qualities and calming powers. According to Feng Shui practitioners and energy healers alike, its volcanic glass properties help expel any negative energy within your surroundings and banish any negativity from your living space. Furthermore, its unique volcanic glass composition has made it a favored stone among Feng Shui enthusiasts and energy healers. Furthermore, its stress-absorbing capabilities make it a great tool against health conditions linked to stress-related health problems.

If you are having difficulty in your life finding balance, black obsidian is an invaluable crystal to add to your collection. This powerful piece can help release any emotional blocks which are holding back growth of the soul.

Black Obsidian crystals are commonly combined with stones such as Moldavite, Lapis Lazuli and Labradorite to facilitate spiritual awakening and development more rapidly. Furthermore, their energy boost allows these stones to reach their maximum performance potential.

Black obsidian has long been used as part of an integrative practice to strengthen both physical and emotional wellbeing. Additionally, this stone can help people build up personal strength, resilience, and resiliency for taking on additional challenges with ease.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline crystals are widely revered by practitioners of healing arts for their ability to absorb and transform negative energy, providing grounding and security while clearing energetic blockages from one’s environment or energy field.

Black Tourmaline is best-known for its ability to block negative energies, including psychic attacks. Librans may benefit from using Black Tourmaline because it helps balance out more sensitive or shy traits associated with their zodiac sign.

Black Tourmaline can help those struggling with anxiety and stress to find comfort by increasing a sense of power, strength, and stability. Furthermore, its soothing energy supports emotional health in those experiencing panic attacks when in dark or enclosed spaces; furthermore it may reduce fear in crowded public places like hospitals or dentist offices.

Black Tourmaline is widely recognized as a powerful aid for combatting and breaking negative habits like smoking, drug dependency and overeating. Furthermore, its properties may help promote spiritual development by strengthening connections to spirit guides and one’s own intuitive wisdom.

Black Tourmaline’s powerful energy makes it an excellent addition to any home, office, or meditation space. Its soothing properties may help those struggling with sleep by encouraging restful, peaceful restful slumber. Black Tourmaline can also be used to purify energy within a room and cleanse aura and etheric body of any negative vibrations; thus making it especially helpful in healing environments like therapy rooms and meditation spaces where healing therapies and spiritual practices take place. Keeping Black Tourmaline nearby may also protect those highly empathic from taking in negative energies when encountering stressful situations by protecting them against potential negative energies absorbing negative energies and emotions from taking hold; placing Black Tourmaline nearby may also protect those highly empathic from taking in negative energies themselves from taking on negative energies from encountering negative energies as easily!