Crystals are ancient stones with powerful properties to heal, harmonize and purify. Use them to increase intuition, boost prosperity and welcome love into your life.

Discover the healing powers of crystals with these useful guides and books. Whether you are new to crystal collecting or an avid enthusiast, these practical resources offer plenty of insight to get your started on your path towards understanding crystals’ healing powers.

The Book of Stones

A visual metaphysical encyclopedia providing clear, user-friendly information on 455 gems and crystals, this alphabetical pictorial journey covers each stone’s scientific properties, history, lore, elemental energies, chakra correspondences, physical benefits and emotional and spiritual benefits – with an index that helps readers quickly locate those stones which best suit them.

Meditation with stones can be an unforgettable way to experience and appreciate their etheric properties, with some serenity-inducing stones having particular power when used to work on particular energy centers of the body or aura.

This revised edition of the best-selling guide to some of nature’s most beautiful natural objects provides an enchanting and absorbing exploration of stone energies. Also referred to as the “crystal bible,” this comprehensive reference guide has become the go-to resource for anyone interested in working with crystals; including vivid color photos for each stone to help with identification and showcase its beauty.

The Essential Guide to Crystals

Crystals have long been used to foster physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. With this beginner’s guide to crystals, we aim to assist in selecting suitable stones and giving tips for using them to transform lives for good.

This crystal book introduces over 100 healing gemstones with full-color photos and concise profiles detailing each crystal’s visual features, healing properties and practical applications.

The authors provide helpful tips for working with crystals, such as programming your crystal (setting an intention or goal) and keeping it near to remind yourself of its purpose. Furthermore, they suggest pairing specific crystals to heighten your experience – for instance Rhodochrosite and Carnelian pair nicely to stimulate chakras and unlock creativity; additionally a handy “crystal cocktails” and “gem-scriptions” feature allows readers to experiment with unique magical combinations.

The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing

Crystals have long been revered as wisdom keepers, emitting steady vibrations that help you remain more centered and balanced. Furthermore, crystals may help promote wellbeing, create spaces of Zen, and disperse negative energy from our lives.

This comprehensive book provides you with everything you need to unlock the amazing potential of crystals. From selecting and using to programming, charging, and cleansing – learn how you can harness their power for manifesting your intentions and enriching life.

This inspiring book by author Anna Clamp is packed with personal insights, philosophies and metaphysical techniques for working with crystals for healing and spiritual development. Perfect for anyone seeking deeper knowledge about their healing capabilities as well as ways to use crystals energise their energy for greater well-being; with detailed profiles for over 500 crystals available within it’s pages this essential reference guide will become indispensable resource throughout their lives.

Awakening the Crystals

Unleash your psychic potential with magical crystals of spiritual awakening and unleash your psychic ability with them.

Kundalini quartz aids the balancing of chakra energy, aligning your energy field to promote inner peace and clarity. Awakening this dormant force often depicted as a serpent can bring transformative spiritual experiences as well as self-realization; these mysterious companions help guide this energy by encouraging you to accept both darkness and light within yourself, connecting you with a higher consciousness.

Sharon McAllister provides an introduction to programming crystals and gemstones to unleash their full healing potential, with particular attention given to 8 key crystals and providing programming guidance for over 60 other stones. By harnessing crystal energy for creativity, love, goal attainment, health improvements, honoring loved ones who have passed, self-love/self-care promotion as well as honoring loved ones who have passed – this guide offers powerful support that empowers anyone utilizing its crystalline energy for creative endeavors, inviting in love, reaching goals faster etc – Beautiful watercolor illustrations show you how to select, connect with, charge/clean/arrange crystals throughout your home!