Crystals have long held human attention due to their stunning beauty and healing properties. Many believe that crystals emit vibrational energies which have positive effects on both physical and mental wellbeing when held, worn or placed within one’s environment.

Once a crystal is properly cleansed and charged, it can then be programmed with your intention – anything from helping you find employment to creating peace within the family unit.


As crystals gain more popularity within wellness culture, many are wondering whether these soothing stones actually possess healing powers. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, crystals may induce relaxation which could aid with chronic pain management and stress relief; however, these should never replace medical advice from trained health practitioners.

Crystals as healing conduits work by channeling positive energy into your body and flushing away negative disease-inducing energy. This chi or prana flow is thought to circulate through chakras and connect both physical and spiritual bodies.

Crystals may provide healing energy through an ancient technique known as entrainment, in which their frequencies meet your electromagnetic field and pull it closer together. Chrysocolla may reduce fear and anxiety while also helping balance hormones and increase sexual desire; while selenite helps alleviate bone issues while aiding absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body.


Crystals have long been believed to interact with our energy field, helping balance it and clearing away blockages. Some believe they may even help ease mental health conditions like anxiety.

Kunzite may help create emotional balance by relieving stress and raising self-esteem, while other stones like charoite and citrine may boost positivity and prosperity. Black tourmaline may provide protection from negative energies or electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) which cause anxiety or panic attacks.

Though science does not support the claim that crystals possess actual healing powers, some experts do believe the placebo effect can play a significant role in improving our health. A 2021 study demonstrated mindfulness meditation’s powerful ability to ease military-related PTSD and depression symptoms – adding crystals into your practice can be an easy and effective way to harness these benefits – try placing one before your eyes during meditation sessions, or holding it while doing your practice session.


Crystals can serve as an effective spiritual tool, aiding emotional healing by balancing and clearing your energy field, which may help release negative emotions such as fear, anger and depression. Crystals with known emotional healing properties include amethyst, rose quartz, smoky quartz and lepidolite.

Rose Quartz can help those recovering from heartbreak or opening themselves up to love open themselves up more fully, while amethyst can reduce anxiety while strengthening intuition.

Aquamarine (known for helping individuals communicate their truth and generate positivity), lapis lazuli, citrine and brecciated jasper are also recognized for their emotional healing properties. When used alongside meditation or mindfulness practice, crystals can provide enhanced healing benefits. Crystals absorb ambient energies so it’s important to cleanse them regularly using cold water runs under running taps, smudging with sage or placing under moonlight, thus refreshing their energies so that they continue working on you and helping you.


Crystals used in consumer electronics like LCD screens and semiconductors are believed to harness and amplify Earth’s energy while also having specific vibrational benefits for human bodies.

Different crystals are said to possess various healing properties: obsidian is thought to aid intestine health according to Healthline; green aventurine helps improve heart health; amethyst can ease anxiety and depression while the color of a particular crystal corresponds with each chakra point on the body.

Though there’s no scientific proof of crystal healing’s effectiveness, studies have demonstrated its positive results via placebo effect. One such experiment had participants meditate while holding real crystals and rate their experiences afterwards; real crystal holders experienced more benefits than fake ones – perhaps due to positive psychology and energy invested into each experience by their practitioners.