Critics might dismiss crystals as Instagram-worthy props, but these ancient healing tools could prove beneficial. Crystals are thought to vibrate at frequencies which resonate with our own and bring balance, clarity, and spiritual connection.

Hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand and sense its energy; if the stone feels right for you, then it is intended for you.


Chrysocolla is an ideal stone to calm one’s emotions. It helps mend heartache, ease anger and grief, bring love into one’s life and encourage forgiveness. Additionally, Chrysocolla may bring balance to relationships by encouraging truth-telling, impartiality and helping overcome phobias.

Stone of Balance for Women. Thought to help balance yin energy while increasing maternal instincts. May help with issues such as PMS, Ovarian Problems and Infertility.

Wearing jewelry featuring Chrysocolla can be an easy and convenient way to access its soothing properties, keeping its healing energy directly on your skin and serving as a gentle reminder to stay grounded. Earth charging involves burying Chrysocolla for 24 hours to cleanse and recharge its powers – an especially good option when traveling abroad; or alternatively simply smudging with Sage to clear and revitalize it.


Dolomite offers a soothing energy that rejuvenates and strengthens the body, while simultaneously healing emotional trauma. It balances chakras back to equilibrium while healing emotional trauma; helps with osteoporosis; heals broken bones; increases endurance/stamina levels. Furthermore, dolomite strengthens and thickens hair as well as supporting metabolism regulation for natural weight loss.

Yoga can help address various ailments such as PMS and mood swings, strengthen bones, teeth and nails as well as benefiting the lungs and kidneys – not to mention provide emotional comfort and inspire charitable acts!

Dolomite may not be as common as some of the more spectacular exhibit minerals, but it can still be found around the globe in sandstone formations and as part of limestones and calcareous sediments, serving as an important cementing mineral within sandstone deposits. Rhyolite rocks also contain dolomite.


Emerald benefits include healing the heart chakra, increasing intuition and encouraging kindness. Emeralds may also boost fertility and immune system function as well as being known as the Stone of Successful Love which may assist people in breaking free of karmic patterns associated with relationships.

Emeralds come in various hues and inclusions, each adding their own special energy to the crystal. Mica-inlaid emeralds have been found particularly effective at stimulating spiritual development while increasing creativity. Variations on this theme include emeralds with epidote that help balance emotions and encourage personal development, Emeralds with schorl that support emotional healing and self-discovery, and finally graphite-infused emeralds which increase spiritual and personal growth as well as communication abilities. Emeralds can also be manufactured synthetically, offering more affordable options to those searching for the benefits of green gemstones. Hydrothermally grown synthetic gem minerals possessing all of the same chemical and optical properties found in their natural counterparts.


Garnet is an exquisite crystal that encourages love and passion between yourself and others, by balancing sexual desire while stabilizing relationships. Additionally, garnet can balance your heart chakra to heal trust issues, as well as encourage you to speak up when necessary when dealing with difficult people.

Garnets with their glassy luster and transparent-to-translucent properties gave rise to folklore that it served as a magical light source, such as to guide the dead into the afterlife or illuminate Noah’s Ark. Garnet was also traditionally thought to ease depression and relieve bad dreams as well as ease diseases of the liver, hemorrhages, and inflammation problems.

Garnet can aid the body by eliminating toxins, purifying vital organs and blood, assimilating vitamins and minerals more efficiently, relieving melancholy and depression while strengthening survival instincts, giving courage and hope in seemingly hopeless situations.