Healing crystals are more than a trendy fashion statement–they may also help improve health and wellness. If you’re curious about this metaphysical trend, continue reading to discover where you can purchase healing crystals online.

This charming crystal shop sells everything from gemstone bracelets and agate wands designed to help promote manifestation, while giving back with every purchase. Their intuitive selection process helps find you your ideal match.

Buying a Crystal

Crystals are nature’s little superheroes that can help us maintain optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Available in a range of forms – raw crystals to polished gems to tumbled crystals – crystals have long been revered for their healing powers and can help promote harmony across our entire health system.

When selecting the ideal crystal, go with what feels right to you. Consider its healing properties or simply go for what appeals to you at this particular time – often, intuition will guide your selection process! When looking at stones that draw us towards them like someone is drawn towards us when meeting someone new, that stone often draws our attention inward.

Feeling the energy of stones through holding them in your hands is another way to connect with their energy; you might experience sensations such as heat, tingling or vibrations as well as feelings of calm and balance. Before using any crystal, be sure to cleanse and charge it to clear away any negative energies it has absorbed.

How to Use a Crystal

Crystals are powerful tools for tapping into energy and heightening awareness, aiding your intention to heal or manifest.

Crystals can help to rebalance your chakras, balance your aura, amplify an intention or support the manifestation of specific goals. Crystals come in all colors, shapes and sizes; find one best suited to you by identifying your intentions and the vibrational frequency of stones you would like to work with.

To set an intention, first identify a problem or goal, choose a crystal that has a distinct energy vibrational resonance with it, and perform a healing ritual to activate its healing power. Touching or moving physical objects around can activate this stone’s power of transformation – even something as simple as placing or wearing jewelry can activate its therapeutic value! Grids of crystals arranged geometrically can produce even stronger results.

Using a Crystal in Your Home

Crystals work on a vibrational level to help clear negative energy and inspire the spirit. From increasing creativity, romance or simply maintaining harmony at home – there’s a crystal suitable for every intention!

When selecting a crystal, choose one that speaks to you on an intimate level – this could be anything from physical sensations or energies – for example rose quartz is said to encourage self-love while amethyst helps with anxiety and stress relief. Or choose something more specific like Black Tourmaline which helps protect against negative energies while Fluorite enhances concentration.

If shopping online, use intuition to select a crystal that speaks to you most strongly. Handle and connect with its energy; take note of any sensations felt or how it feels in your hands; if something doesn’t feel right continue searching. When bringing new crystals home make sure you cleanse them by submerging them in salt water for several hours in moonlight for example or placing them under an eclipsed night sky in order to remove any negative energies left from their transit journey – both are effective ways of purifying crystals of any negative energy they may have picked up during transit – by submersion for instance or leaving under moonlight can quickly eliminate this step.

Using a Crystal in Meditation

Crystals can enhance the benefits of meditation by helping to focus your mind, support your intentions, enhance intuition and insight, as well as promote healing.

Begin by selecting a crystal that resonates with your intentions or needs, cleansing it by burning sage around it or placing it in a bowl of salt water overnight, and asking permission before using it. This practice protects both of you from unwanted energies that could enter through its crystal form.

Close your eyes and begin meditation, connecting with your breath as you envision a crystal in front of you and seeing how it communicates with you (color, sounds, sensations in your body or visuals). If anything comes up while meditating for 10-15 minutes or until you feel refreshed.