Finding the ideal healing crystal can be intimidating for newcomers to the crystal world, but there are numerous shops nearby to assist in your search.

Rock Star Crystals in New York offers everything from scrying mirrors to rare crystals such as moldavite and kunzite, in addition to offering crystal healing sessions.

Rock Star Crystals

Rock Star Crystals is an astounding shop that feels like Mother Nature’s own museum, filled with stunning geodes and mineral specimens on display. Celebrities including Salvador Dali, John Lennon and Goldie Hawn have even visited Rock Star Crystals! Rock Star Crystals also offers metaphysical services like energy healing, intuitive readings and chakra guides – there’s even an energy healing room available if needed!

This simple metaphysical store boasts one of the largest selections of rocks and minerals in New York City, from healing crystals and stones for Reiki sessions to gemstone jewelry and natural GEODES, CLUSTERS, individual crystal POINTS as well as items cut from ROCK CRYSTALS such as Spheres Pyramids Obelisks and Gemstone Hearts.

This adorable metaphysical shop offers an assortment of crystals and products designed to deepen your own unique form of mysticism. In addition, they also provide self-care candles as well as tarot reading services by appointment.

Namaste Bookshop

Namaste Bookshop is an alternative spiritual bookstore specializing in books, crystals, tarot cards and meditation supplies. In addition, classes, workshops and special events are hosted here, as well as offering an upstairs healing center that makes for an exciting shopping and socializing experience! Stop in today to make Namaste your next stop for spiritual reading or relaxation.

This store offers a unique and extensive selection of Eastern & Western philosophy books, tarot cards, calendars, wind chimes, incense, greeting cards, yoga accessories, meditation cushions instructional CD’s & DVDs as well as salt lamps from 20 sections of books with Spanish being available as well.

Namaste Bookstore boasts a daily schedule of readers and practitioners that range from psychic, Tarot, Astrology, Reiki services etc. Situated at East West Books’s corner intersection, Namaste’s chill atmosphere welcomes anyone and all.

Luis Piedras

Luis Piedras provides superior products at reasonable prices, in addition to consulting services and training courses for businesses. Their product portfolio features safety equipment as well as various industrial goods; their headquarters can be found in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Luis is a 2019 Guggenheim Fellow and award-winning author of 18 books. His works have been translated into over 20 languages, winning him multiple accolades including Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Awards; most recently his latest release The House of Broken Angels has earned both notability from New York Times Notable Books as well as being listed by NEA Big Reads.

Luis has an eclectic education background, from degrees in engineering and business administration to certifications in various fields. Additionally, he has participated in several management programs, such as Scaling Up – EO Accelerator Program from Entrepreneurs’ Organization and Programa Aceleracion de Empresas from INCAE Business School.

Ruby’s House of Crystals

Ruby gemstone is an auspicious red gemstone with strong energies of prosperity and love, ranking 9 on Mohs hardness scale and considered precious gem. Legend has it that Kublai Khan offered up his city for one. Ruby can help heal broken hearts, boost confidence and provide financial security.

Ruby can help those seeking to rebuild trust within relationships and families; Cancers may find this gemstone particularly helpful. In addition, Ruby also promotes leadership qualities and smart business strategy.

Ruby pairs perfectly with other red gemstones such as Red Spinel for passion, Garnet for courage and Carnelian for earthly splendor. In addition, its fiery energy can be balanced out with grounding black protective stones such as Obsidian or Black Tourmaline.

Namaste Minerals

Namaste Minerals in Medina offers an expansive selection of crystals and minerals, tumbled stones, oracle and tarot cards, candles, incense and more for anyone shopping for themselves or the ideal present! Don’t miss this hidden gem when searching for gifts!

As part of their range of spiritual and metaphysical products, they offer the powerful Super Seven crystal. Also referred to as Sacred Seven, this powerful stone contains Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite Rutile Quartz. According to legend, its mysterious properties help enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telekinesis and channeling.

Namaste products also include spring water from Palomar Mountain and handcrafted smudge sprays using organic essential oils, sage leaves, and Reiki charged clear quartz crystal in each bottle!