Many holistic health practitioners use crystals, and some research indicates they may possess healing properties for the mind, body and soul.

Be mindful that alternative therapies should never replace medical treatment for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Furthermore, Bible-defined occult practices dictate they shouldn’t be used.

How to Use

Crystals can help to manifest your intentions through spiritual healing. Additionally, they’re frequently employed during meditation and visualization exercises and ritual ceremonies.

When using crystals, trust your intuition and use your best judgment when selecting which crystal is most resonating with you or researching their properties and associations. Furthermore, cleansing crystals is important if they’re being used in an area with lots of foot traffic so as not to pick up other people’s energies and take on too much of an impactful effect on you personally.

While crystals do not have scientifically verified physical benefits, they can help your mental health by supporting a more centered and grounded mindset. Although crystals should never replace your usual treatment plans for anxiety or other diagnosed conditions, consider them part of your wellness arsenal in order to boost positivity and help reach your goals more efficiently.


Crystals can exchange energy with those who handle them, meaning they may absorb any negative energies present within their users and be responsible for taking on unwanted negative vibes as a result of handling. Therefore, regular cleansing sessions of crystals is recommended in order to protect and cleanse their beneficial qualities.

One of the best ways to clean a crystal is to return them to their natural surroundings. Exposing them to sunlight or moon light may help clear away negativity while simultaneously reinvigorating its healing powers.

Other crystals benefit from nature’s grounding energies and can be cleansed by placing them in soil or mud, like smoky quartz which has the power to clear away clutter in one’s mind. Such practices often accompany cleansing.

Sound can also be used to cleanse a crystal. A singing bowl may produce cleansing vibrations that stimulate cleansing processes in your crystal; alternatively you could try tuning forks, chimes or your own voice chanting to achieve similar effects. Combining sound cleansing with guided meditation provides a powerful tool for cleansing and rejuvenating.


Before unleashing the power of crystals on you, it is essential to set clear intentions. Doing this helps establish a bond between your energy and that of the crystal and helps them become active accomplices in helping to achieve your goals.

To programme a crystal, it is best to clear your mind of any negativity and focus on setting an intention. Visualize this intention coming alive, as vividly as possible. Feel its energy flow into and merge with that of the stone itself. Depending on how comfortable you feel with verbalization or repetition of this practice there’s no right or wrong way of setting this intention.

Once your crystal has been charged with your intention, carry or place it where it can serve as a constant reminder and reinforce its positive influence in your life. Be open to any signs or synchronicity that arise along your journey as these could serve as signs of progress towards fulfilling your intent.


Crystals can be an incredible aid to meditation and spiritual practice. You can hold them in your hand, place them on an altar, or bury them underground to begin meditating. Select a stone that resonates with your desired intentions (lapis lazuli is an example of such an intention); for instance, lapis lazuli encourages self-awareness while connecting to universal truths. Once you’ve chosen your stone(s), find an uncluttered environment free of distraction – soft music, candles, or relaxing scents can all add ambience for meditation practice!

Close your eyes and reconnect with your breath for 2-3 minutes before selecting the first crystal you will use to meditate with. With your intuition and body’s cues as guides, select and cleanse (if needed ) it before holding it in your hands to use its energy and vibrations during meditation. Allow its energy and vibrations to communicate through colors, sounds, sensations in your body or visuals during this meditation period of about 10 minutes before concluding by thanking it at the end.