With the August supermoon upon us many will be making moon water.

The allure of moon water conjures captivating imagery and incites a sense of tranquility. Harnessing nature’s elements like celestial bodies, soil, plants, air, and water can offer a myriad of fascinating impacts. The key lies in unlocking how to maximize these elements for their reputed benefits.

The Enchantment of Moon Water

The fascination humans hold for the moon is undeniable. This celestial body, distantly perched in the sky, commands our waters, inspiring wonder and reverence. Such fascination led to the incorporation of the moon in various spiritual practices and rituals.

Although the precise origin of moon water is elusive, it’s believed that people began using it primarily for witchcraft and magical purposes in the early 19th century. As the name implies, moon water is essentially water left under the moonlight to soak up its energy.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the concept of moon water, how it’s used, and how you can make it yourself.

Uses of Moon Water

Moon water holds a distinctive place in spiritual circles. Revered as an exceptional purifier, moon water is used to cleanse energies within people, rooms, and objects.

The moon’s influence over earth’s tides creates a powerful connection with the element of water. This connection is harnessed by people to manifest their desires and intentions. Moon water finds various uses, including in moon water tarot, which we will explore later.

The Effects of Moon Water

While scientific proof may not back moon water, its impact is widely believed. Moon water is regarded as a potent cleanser, capable of purifying objects, locations, and individuals of negative energies.

Useful in meditation and other spiritual rituals, moon water is thought to pacify the mind and dispel inner turmoil. Some Ayurvedic scriptures also endorse its efficacy in aiding female fertility.

Drinking Moon Water: Is it Safe?

Consuming moon-charged water is safe, provided it’s made from potable water. The best way to ensure its safety is to make it yourself, using clean jars and avoiding leaving them open for prolonged periods.

It’s also advisable not to store moon water indefinitely. Prioritize using the water and then make more since the moon is ever-present.

The Benefits of Moon Water

Believers attribute various healing properties to moon-charged water. It is thought to enhance physical and mental well-being in those who consume it. Some key benefits include:

  • Revitalizing energy: Moon water, having absorbed moonlight energies, is believed to transfer these energies to the consumer, invigorating them.
  • Relaxation: After a strenuous day, drinking moon water is thought to restore your weary body and mind.
  • Cleansing: Moon water purportedly rids your body of negative energies, replenishing it with positive energy from the moon.
  • Skin health: Regular use of moon water is believed to promote radiant skin.

Types of Moon Water

There are two primary types of moon water, corresponding with the two moon phases: waxing and waning. Each type carries specific benefits, aiding growth or reduction, respectively. This allows users to target their intentions with the appropriate water type.

Making Moon Water

Creating moon water is simple. All you need is an open dish or a mason jar, preferably glass or another transparent material, to allow moonlight to permeate. The jar should be placed where the moonlight is clear and visible, left overnight, and retrieved at dawn.

There are also variations to the process, like making moon water with crystals, or during specific moon phases like full moon or blue moon. Moon water can also be used in food and beverages, or for beauty purposes.

The mysterious allure of moon water captivates many who seek to tap into its perceived benefits. Whether it’s for spiritual rituals, personal wellness, or even enhancing your morning coffee, the practice of making and using moon water continues to thrive.