Crystal enthusiasts should not be seen as religious extremists; indeed, crystals may help you feel closer to a higher power. When dealing with medical concerns it is vitally important that one consult with their physician first.

If you want to boost the results of your crystals, place them in a glass of water to charge them with positive energy and increase their effectiveness. This will provide additional support.

Reconstituted crystals

Many consumers can be perplexed when they see crystals advertised as being heat-treated or enhanced, yet these stones remain natural at their core. Crystals such as citrine and tanzanite may be treated to bring out their gold and yellow hues by heat treatment.

This practice is quite widespread and does not compromise the healing properties of these stones. Many crystal healers and reiki practitioners utilize them in their practices.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of regulation on these websites, sellers are misrepresenting crystals they offer for sale. One seller called Zzyzx even added fake copper pieces onto howlite, an abundant magnesium carbonate mineral found naturally throughout nature, in order to pass off as genuine smoky quartz – just one example of how sellers exploiting the Wild West market for crystal sales on these websites; according to Popular Science the FTC does not have guidelines as to how loose minerals or crystals must be represented during sale; something collectors and those drawn towards healing crystals must worry about as this poses major health concerns for collectors as well as buyers interested in this field of business.

Natural crystals

Many people believe crystals possess healing powers for mind, body and soul. Practitioners such as Trevison utilize crystals in healing reiki sessions or holistic treatments on specific energy points of the body while others incorporate crystals into jewelry or home decor items.

Natural crystals form over millennia of intense pressure and heat deep within Earth’s interior, under extreme pressure and heat conditions. Mining these stones requires taking into account environmental impacts as well as adopting sustainable practices when mining these precious gems from small-scale hand mining operations to industrial operations.

Some individuals cleanse and charge their crystals to imbue them with positive intentions, known as giving their crystals “jobs”. This usually includes placing the stones in sunlight or running water or passing them through sage and palo santo smoke, believed to purify and align a person’s energy field. Many also use stones like these for meditation, feng shui or spiritual guidance purposes and even to ease headaches.

Synthetic crystals

Synthetic crystals are formed using chemicals which arrange themselves into structures that mimic the chemical, optical and physical properties of natural gemstone materials. A variety of synthetic gemstones are manufactured including quartz, citrine, amethyst, opal and spinel.

Each crystal-growing method imbues its finished product with unique characteristics. Opals, for instance, are produced by creating an array of microscopic silicon dioxide spheres and consolidating them under heat, similarly to growing glass; though it takes more skill and expertise.

Verneuil techniques produce many colored beryls such as emerald and sapphire, while the fusion method yields spinels in vibrant hues. Both processes require skilled craftspeople for ideal production conditions over an extended period, which accounts for their higher price point than natural alternatives.

How to use crystals

Add crystals to your home or office space to alter its energy, increase positive vibrations, and keep out harmful energies. A pyrite crystal, for instance, can help counter negative vibes while simultaneously inspiring motivation and staying on track with projects. Try placing one near your desk or at the corner of the room so it stays at hand during daily tasks.

To maximize the potential of your crystal, it’s important to establish an intimate connection. Spend some time getting acquainted with it – this may take multiple sittings – as this helps awaken its consciousness and form a more profound bond.

Crystals can help heal your emotional body as well. Rose quartz can promote self-love and ease feelings of sadness while citrine cleanses and upholds energy levels. Meditation sessions with crystals nearby ground you and introduce their frequencies; similarly placing tree agate or moss agate stones around plants is said to bring abundance or connect with their energy.