Many people believe that crystals possess healing properties for both body and soul, with some even using them to add energy elements into reiki treatments.

No matter your faith or lack thereof, crystals have long been popular as decorative accents. By adding crystals to your home, office and meditation area you can enhance their presence while balancing out energies in a more pleasant atmosphere.


Amethyst is an amber-hued crystal that promotes self-control and discipline, helping to balance the energies in your third eye and crown chakras, increasing psychic abilities and intuitive insights, while acting as a natural tranquilizer and increasing concentration.

Amethyst can help strengthen immunity. This makes it an excellent stone to aid those dealing with addiction recovery in maintaining sobriety.

Pisces, with their deep empathy and interest in spiritual practices, makes an excellent partner for amethyst’s soothing violet energy to ground their intuition and discern between good and bad aspects of their journey through life. Amethyst can encourage them to accept change with clarity of vision and individual freedom in mind.


Moonstone is known to balance emotions, heighten intuition and connect you with your feminine side. It may help bring about deeper emotional understanding as well as spiritual curiosity, surrender and acceptance.

This stone’s water energy connects with our sacral chakra, or “womb”, where emotions are processed and sensuality experienced. Additionally, its presence may assist us in consciously releasing old wounds or patterns which no longer serve our growth.

Combine it with ocean jasper for an added dose of soothing energy that can ease anxiety, agitation and excess heat in the body caused by hormonal shifts. Carry one with you during full moon rituals or meditation practices. Or keep one under your pillow to facilitate deeper and more restful sleep.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is an exquisite crystal known for its soothing, comforting energies. It can promote self-love and forgiveness while creating inner peace – as well as strengthen relationships within families and friendships.

Gentle energy that eases emotional traumas while opening spiritual channels between Earth, Universe and Divine. Awakens one to their purest loving potential while creating compassion, tenderness, peace and affection within themselves and among those they meet.

Protecting others with negative energies is no easy feat, but placing a powerful protective stone such as jasper in your home or office can promote feelings of love, peace and harmony while increasing fertility rates and encouraging healthy relationships between partners.


Citrine is an extremely powerful stone known for promoting abundance, personal power, and luck. Additionally, it is often thought to bring joy, happiness and mental clarity.

Crystals with high vibration can help shift negative mindsets into more positive and optimistic states, making them ideal to use when dealing with depression or a negative outlook.

Citrine can also help balance our solar plexus chakra, which governs self-confidence and courage. When practicing meditation, holding or placing citrine on the solar plexus could facilitate healing while helping manifest confidence.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is an energy healing crystal with widespread popularity, thought to help clear away negative energies and help align one with their true self.

Clear quartz crystals can help enhance focus and clarity during meditation or manifestation. Their high vibrational frequency amplifies their effects by strengthening intentions and expanding goals.

Clear Quartz crystals are often utilized for spiritual healing and meditation purposes, as well as being powerful tools in feng shui and space clearing practices. Used alone or combined with other crystals, Clear Quartz magnifies their effects to promote a healthier, harmonious environment in homes and offices alike. Furthermore, crystal grids incorporate Clear Quartz to further rebalance energy levels for maximum harmony and energy rebalancing.