There are several ways to reap the benefits of healing crystals. Some people wear them (which is why crystal jewelry is so popular). Others set the crystals in strategic places around their houses. You can also get drinking bottles infused with crystals to absorb the energy with your daily water intake. Many people choose to meditate with their crystals to get the most out of them. Spiritual practices are highly personal, so you have to find what method of crystal healing feels right to you.

Third-generation witch Brittany Ladin explained to Healthline that she uses her healing crystals — including celestite — by setting an intention. In essence, she thinks of the outcome she’d like to achieve from using the crystal, often putting it against the part of her body in need of healing. When it comes to emotional healing, she places the crystal against her forehead. With celestite in particular, she keeps it by her bed to help her get a good night’s sleep, thanks to the stone’s calming energy.

Ladin emphasizes that before you use a healing crystal, it’s important to cleanse it. This is because crystals can absorb energy, so your crystal might be holding on to negative energy that it picked up on its journey to you. You can cleanse your crystal by running it under cold water, leaving it in the moonlight (a full moon is particularly effective), burying it in the earth, or smudging it with sage.