Are You Searching for an Energy Boost Without Caffeine Crash? Replace caffeine crashes with natural essential oils which provide energy boost.

Aromatic molecular compounds found in essential oils pass directly through the blood-brain barrier to enhance focus, alleviate fatigue and elevate mood.

Include any of these essential oil blends into your daily routine to experience their revitalizing benefits:


Peppermint oil is an exceptional body energizer that promotes mental clarity and memory improvement while heightening alertness. Peppermint is also known to combat diabetes and spasmodic spasms as well as combat fatigue by decreasing malondialdehyde (MDA) levels while decreasing lactic acid accumulation.

Diffuse peppermint in the morning for an invigorating, stimulating aroma that will set off the day right. Apply it directly to temples, the back of your neck or diluted massage blend for an energy boost during exercise and to provide a mental refreshing effect during workouts. Inhaling peppermint may reduce exercise-induced fatigue by increasing muscle strength, regulating energy metabolism and inhibiting inflammatory responses; its active compounds menthol and menthone have cooling, brain-refreshing, and stimulating properties [1,2][3,4]. [1,2]


Grapefruit oil is one of the most rejuvenating and invigorating essential oils available, providing energy in an invigorating and stimulating manner. It contains monoterpenes such as Limonene which has proven its purifying qualities through lab studies.

Easy to incorporate into your daily routine as an all-natural way of combatting bloat and water retention, easing headaches (particularly hangovers) and increasing mood. Add a few drops to a carrier oil you enjoy using topically on wrists or neck to enjoy its refreshing aroma throughout the day.

Grapefruit is an integral component of our Mental Clarity Lifestyle Blend for increasing focus and alertness, helping improve concentration and memory retention. Try diffusing this blend at home or work to experience its beneficial properties!


Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil has become one of the world’s most beloved essential oils, offering therapeutic advantages that include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, sedative and decongestant benefits. When inhaled or applied topically it can soothe headaches while relieving stress; relieving physical as well as emotional exhaustion.

Study results published in Phytomedicine demonstrated that 80 milligrams of lavender oil per day was shown to significantly reduce PTSD symptoms while improving sleep, moodiness and overall well-being in participants. Try adding a few drops directly onto your pillow or diffuser before bedtime for restful nights of restful restful slumber.

Lavender essential oil quality depends on a number of factors including plant species, harvest season and extraction methods. To get maximum effect from lavender essential oil use it with peppermint, orange and lemon peel essential oils as well as Eucalyptus to give yourself that extra energy boost when needed.


Rosemary oil, with its distinctive woody and herbal scent, has long been recognized for its ability to increase concentration and focus. Furthermore, this soothing agent also acts as an effective stress reducer.

Rosemary extract and essential oils can be used as aromatherapy treatments or added into skincare products for their therapeutic benefits. As this oil is highly concentrated, it should always be diluted when applying directly onto skin.

Rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid and rosemary oil all possess antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-anxiety properties that make them promising natural medicines to treat nervous system disorders (22). (3).

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil (also known as Melaleuca oil) has long been used in traditional herbalism and indigenous cultures in Australia. Studies have proven its effectiveness as both an antiseptic and germ killer; additionally it may possess anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antioxidant properties. Distilled from whole leaves and branches of melaleuca plants, tea tree oil can be applied topically (for acne, lice infestation, athlete’s foot and nail fungus treatment or topical inhalant applications) or used internally via inhalation for topical applications on skin conditions like acne, lice infestation etc or as inhalant inhalant for use internally as well.

Essential oils with stimulating scents can stimulate olfactory cells and signal signals to wake up the body, promote blood flow and release energizing hormones for an energy boost. Try adding these oils into your morning ritual or throughout the day for a natural energy boost!