Healing crystals remain shrouded in mystery. While many swear by them, there’s no scientific proof they can treat specific conditions.

However, gemstones can help improve your mood and help you feel more grounded and centered. If you decide to purchase some, make sure they come from ethically-sourced mines rather than being mined on.

Placebo Effect

One reason crystals are considered healing is because their vibrations interact with your own energy field and help clear away energy blockages, creating harmony and equilibrium within the body. This phenomenon, known as the placebo effect, causes people to feel better after receiving an innocuous sugar pill or being treated by a practitioner they perceive to be an expert.

Crystals became widely utilized during the New Age movement of the 1970s and 80s, when people used them for self-healing and spiritual guidance. People promoted an holistic lifestyle incorporating yoga, meditation, and crystal use for their metaphysical healing properties; however, as no comprehensive scientific studies demonstrate how crystals actually work, many in the medical community remain skeptical.


One reason that healing crystals might have such powerful healing properties is due to their immense age: over billions of years they’ve amassed immense amounts of energy that has built up over time, but that doesn’t translate directly to healing properties.

Proponents believe the true power of crystals lies in how you use them – such as creating an altar and placing them throughout your home, or mixing crystals into bathwater to soak up their energy and soak.

Stanford researchers agree that mindset plays an integral part in health, and crystal healing is no exception. Crystal healing’s intention-based mindset can aid immunity, focus, emotional processing, stress reduction and nervous system regulation – as well as connecting you with spirit world by tapping into spiritual stones. Setting clear intentions such as encouraging positivity or conquering fears then regularly working toward these objectives are the keys to successful crystal healing sessions.


Each crystal has unique healing properties, but to harness their full power it’s essential that you clearly state your intention so the stone can focus its energies toward manifesting what you wish for in life. From self-love and emotional healing, mental clarity, focus, to finding that dream apartment and career, crystals can serve as powerful allies when setting positive intentions to bring about positive change in your life.

First, start by cleansing your crystals in water or sage smoke to rid them of any previous energies. Next, set your intention by speaking aloud or visualizing as vividly as possible what you wish for them – perhaps feeling joy or gratitude during this process.

Consider using your crystal on a daily basis by carrying it, placing it in an intimate place or using it in ritual form to align your intentions with its energy and sustain your intentions over time. Reevaluating and reinforcing them regularly as your goals may evolve over time is also helpful.

Healing Properties

Crystals aren’t simply Instagram-worthy props or decorative jewelry pieces; they are ancient tools that help connect our inner energies to their vibrational frequencies and promote mental and physical wellness. Though scientific evidence for crystal healing doesn’t exist yet, its practitioners believe its benefits to mental and physical wellbeing.

Each crystal possesses unique benefits for users. Opal encourages intuition while balancing emotions; garnet is said to balance hormone imbalances including premenstrual cycle issues and low libido; and selenite can strengthen bones and muscles.

Trevisan suggests tuning into how each crystal makes you feel by holding one in your hand, then selecting an intention- and chakra-specific crystal for use on their journey. Also important: make sure it was ethically and environmentally sourced by speaking to a seller near you who can provide certificates of authenticity for rarer gems.