As wellness trends gain ground, healing crystals such as lapis lazuli and citrine are increasingly seen as ways to promote both physical and emotional well-being. But whether they actually work depends on whether the placebo effect plays out.

Tucson shop owners sometimes find it challenging to disclose where their stones come from without endangering their business.


Chrysoprase is an exquisite crystal, known for its vibrant green hue. But more than just being beautiful, Chrysoprase also serves as an effective healing stone.

Cleansing can promote detoxification and aid weight loss by stimulating liver detoxification processes to release harmful toxins from the body. Cleansing also can assist fertility issues among women while helping balance hormones.

Hold your Chrysoprase crystal under running water to cleanse it of negative energies and impurities, or use Sage, Myrrh, Palo Santo or Palo Santo incense to do it instead.


Hematite is known for its strong anchoring energy that offers stability and balance to those it comes into contact with, while simultaneously increasing confidence and strengthening self-esteem.

Add Hematite beads to bracelets, necklaces and earrings to promote healing and balance your energy. Or scatter tumbled stones around your home as a sacred space that helps focus and feel protected – protecting from negative energies and electromagnetic frequencies!

Pink Botswana Agate

Pink Botswana Agate is an attractive gemstone formed of banded Chalcedony, belonging to the Quartz family. This mesmerizing gem boasts layers of white, pink, and brown bands for an extraordinary appearance that creates an eye-catching gemstone.

According to popular belief, Acupuncture may help support emotional healing and balance while increasing spiritual contact and deepening meditational states.

Botswana Agate provides grounding energy that can ease feelings of isolation and fear. It encourages self-expression and helps overcome creative blocks, providing relief from emotional trauma such as heartbreak and loss.

Brecciated Jasper

Jasper is a gemstone of regeneration and renewed strength, strengthening your physical energy while increasing Root Chakra energy for peace and wholeness during times of stress.

Brecciated Jasper can offer clarity during times of turmoil, conflict or crisis. It encourages change by aligning with your Throat Chakra and encouraging honest communication and self-expression. Furthermore, its joyful energy reminds you to remember and appreciate all your good qualities even during difficult situations.

Fancy Jasper

Fancy jasper is an emotional healing stone that promotes emotional equilibrium. It enhances focus and clarity while decreasing distractions and encouraging taking a third-party viewpoint on any situation.

Increase and lighten feelings of well-being to increase enjoyment. Alleviate fear, frustration and guilt while building inner strength and confidence. Physically detoxify the body to improve circulation while alleviating stomach issues while stimulating imagination and turning ideas into actions plans.


Rhodonite is an ideal heart chakra stone to encourage all forms of love, including self-love. Additionally, rhodonite helps release self-destructive tendencies and festering resentments so as to facilitate reconciliation and forgiveness.

Leavy informs mbg that pink crystals provide support for new beginnings or “resets.” They’re great tools to use during spring equinox or any time you feel your energy changing.

Rhodonite helps calm the heart and circulatory system, aid digestion, reduce symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases and ease stomach ulcers, strengthen bone growth and heal insect bites.


Onyx is believed to absorb negative energy, protecting its wearer and strengthening their emotional stability. Furthermore, its deep black beauty is said to help alleviate common phobias while instilling feelings of power and control within.

According to tradition, jade has long been used as an aid in strengthening bones, improving blood flow and treating bone marrow conditions. Furthermore, jade may promote concentration and memory enhancement among students.

Onyx helps you gain a deeper insight into who you are, boosting your self-confidence. Additionally, it assists in maintaining focus and striking a balance between task-focusedness and intuitiveness.


Opal can stimulate mystical visions and expand one’s exploration of cosmic consciousness. Additionally, opal may help promote healing through emotional release and enhanced compassion.

This stone emits high vibrational energy to strengthen kidneys, pancreas and liver organs as well as help balance insulin levels for insulin management and ease childbirth pain. Furthermore, this stone may even assist with eye problems.

Opal’s vibrant hues are produced by its network of microscopic silica spheres arranged in regular patterns and sizes, producing different colours by diffracting white light into various wavelengths.