Healing crystals are believed to have energies that can support our mind, body, and soul. From increasing self-esteem and encouraging clarity to supporting female femineity – there’s likely a crystal out there to meet any need.

Crystals don’t all serve the same purpose, which is why beginner guides emphasize intention setting as the cornerstone of working with these stones.


Carnelian is said to balance and open the sacral chakra, as well as strengthen and purify heart, lungs and liver organs. Additionally, this gemstone may help combat fatigue while stimulating metabolism for healthy organ and tissue supply of blood and oxygen. Known as “The Singer’s Stone,” carnelian can promote confidence when performing on stage or help clear away blockages in thyroid gland.

Leos have long been attracted to carnelian, believed to encourage them to remain true to themselves and not let impulse lead their lives. Additionally, it’s claimed that carnelian can balance and unblock root, sacral, solar plexus chakras as well as reduce jealousy or possessiveness within relationships – ultimately providing abundance in their lives.


Aventurine is a green-colored quartz with inclusions of mica or other minerals that shimmer and sparkle, earning its name from the Italian word aventura, meaning “chance.” Aventurine is widely believed to bring good fortune and open up new doors in life; it may inspire personal development while encouraging a greater awareness of opportunities available to you in life. Furthermore, Aventurine encourages compassion and empathy towards others as it strengthens heart healing processes.

This crystal is thought to help with issues surrounding the thymus gland and heart health, making it an excellent solution for stress and burnout sufferers. Furthermore, its physical growth-promoting qualities may contribute to physical strength growth as well.

Holding an aventurine during meditation brings peace and serenity to both mind and heart, as it helps reduce electromagnetic fields (EMF). Try placing one near electronic equipment such as computers or cell phones to deflect any EMF radiation that might exist.


Larimar is known to bring emotional healing, soothing away stress and creating an atmosphere of tranquility. Additionally, Larimar promotes unity within relationships while offering a fertile ground where love can flourish.

Crystal enthusiasts and crystal enthusiasts alike often gravitate to its soothing blue hues reminiscent of Caribbean waters, making it a sought-after choice among crystal lovers. Commonly referred to as Atlantis Stone, Stefilia’s Stone or Dolphin Stone – these rare semi-precious gemstones bring healing energy from both sea and sky for optimal body and soul balance.

Crystal therapists believe Larimar may help ease stress-related ailments like high blood pressure and trouble sleeping, as well as alleviate phobias. Furthermore, crystal therapy believes it offers mental and spiritual protection as well as facilitate communication with divine beings while helping foster personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is an eye-catching crystal used for emotional healing. It promotes self-love and kindness while healing any past relationships or traumas. Furthermore, this crystal helps mend broken hearts while also creating forgiveness, acceptance, and inner peace.

This crystal is believed to activate the heart chakra, encouraging trust in all aspects of love. It dispels any feelings of anxiety or suspicion which might prevent full expression of your affections, while encouraging open communication in relationships and encouraging you to listen and comprehend different perspectives.

Rose Quartz is an ideal stone to help grounding, as its energies combine those of earth with those of your heart chakra. To cleanse it, rinse under warm water while visualizing any negative energy being washed away by its gentle power. For maximum benefit, place outdoors under moonlight as this will also recharge it.