Quartz crystals possess numerous healing properties. They are commonly used to manifest intentions and connect the upper and lower chakras, as well as balance the mind and open psychic abilities.

Quartz is widely used in electronics to produce regular, accurate vibrations such as clocks and radios. Drusy clear and white quartz can also be found lining vuggy zones in Prairie du Chien dolostones at various locations, including near Cream Quarry.

Mental Clarity

Clear quartz is one of the most effective crystals for clearing and focusing the mind, helping you identify areas in which you may be overindulging, depleting energy reserves or blocking it – for instance by watching too much television or going overboard with internet use.

Fluorite, sodalite and amethyst are great crystals to help promote mental clarity. These stones can help you focus on achieving your goals and dreams as well as enhance the energy of other crystals when used together in healing rituals and remedies.

Keep a clear quartz crystal near you or in your workspace to help keep you focused and increase motivation for tasks at hand. Smoky quartz may help ward off negative influences that might distract from reaching goals; Hematite may help keep reality close by keeping thoughts clearer.


Quartz is one of the premier stones for amplifying energy and manifesting your intentions into your reality. Quartz helps you get “crystal clear” on what your intentions are so they can manifest into reality; additionally, it assists with clearing away any mental barriers preventing you from reaching your dreams or goals.

Utilizing crystals to clear away energy blockages in the body is an ancient practice. Quartz is particularly effective, as it has the power to move energy on a cellular level and help heal.

Try putting a clear quartz egg at the center of your altar, holding one during meditation sessions, or placing it anywhere where positive energy could be helpful. Quartz has also been known to strengthen intuition and psychic abilities; use your crystal egg to imagine situations or people that trigger vulnerable feelings in you while drawing comfort from its protective qualities as you work to consciously release any negativity or anger associated with these vulnerable feelings.


Clear quartz is an extraordinary healing stone and offers immense physical, mental and emotional health benefits. Additionally, its cleansing powers allow it to eliminate harmful toxins from the body.

The piezoelectric effect allows quartz crystal to convert mechanical energy to electric energy and vice versa, thus making them indispensable components in modern electrical devices such as cell phones and watches. Cut plates of quartz may even be used to measure pressure or control electric impulse frequency.

Indigenous cultures around the world embraced Gaia Theory (the idea that Earth is one living organism) and venerated crystals as living elements within her. Crystals were believed to connect to spiritual realms, and healers would use quartz crystals as part of their practices in connecting to Mother Earth and its wider environment.


Clear Quartz and Selenite crystals can often clean themselves, while others such as Amethyst and Blue Quartz (Brandberg) require additional help from you to stay clear and free from negative energy.

Simply placing your crystal under cold running water is an effective and quick way to cleanse it. Simply imagine any negative or stagnant energies being washed away before thoroughly rinsing and pat drying afterwards.

Smudging crystals is another popular method of cleansing them, consisting of burning sage or sweetgrass to generate smoke that is fanning over them to clear away negative energy and store-up energy from stored within.

Soak your crystal in a solution of sea salt and water (cooking salt works just as effectively), though this method works best with polished or smooth crystals since rough stones or geodes can be damaged by water. Moonlight is another preferred method, particularly effective with rough or unpolished gems like Moldavite, Astrophyllite, Libyan Desert Glass and Meteorite.