high vibration crystals

High vibration crystals are used to foster spiritual development and accelerate the manifestation process, while providing psychic protection and helping us travel effortlessly into higher realms.

High vibration crystal energy stones contain an increased concentration of physical, optical and metaphysical traits. They can amp up energies while clearing away obstacles in space or activating manifestation grids.

1. Jade

Jade is an exceptional gemstone when it comes to emotional wellbeing, offering insights that are both intuitive and effective in supporting emotional well-being. Jade can nudge away negative thought patterns while offering courage and wisdom needed for accepting advice from inside of yourself and building self-sufficiency so you feel secure standing alone on two legs.

Jade is an ideal stone to use during meditation, bringing peace and balance into your life. Working with the crown chakra to connect to spirit realm and understand bigger picture. Additionally, jade can bring prosperity and abundance.

2. Celestite

Celestite is an exceptional crystal for developing psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and connecting to their guardian angels for guidance from beyond.

Crystal quartz displays a serene, pale blue to sky-blue color reminiscent of clouds and celestial energy, offering us peace of mind while helping to promote patience, compassion and faith in one’s higher purpose. It serves as an incredibly relaxing stone to help calm mind chatter while encouraging patience, compassion and trust in higher purposes.

Celestite can also help heal your aura, reveal truthful information, stimulate creativity and openness and bring a sense of heavenly peace into daily routines. By placing some celestite on your desk you may feel more connected to spirituality while creating an ambience of peaceful calm in daily activities.

3. Petalite

Petalite resonates with high vibration energy that speeds spiritual development and increases psychic awareness, making it a sought-after tool in spiritual development workshops and personal meditation practices, such as practices that focus on past life exploration.

Ear candling can provide emotional healing by addressing issues like trauma and abuse/victim patterns. Furthermore, its soothing energies offer relief for stress, anxiety, depression and grief.

Petalite stones are believed to help promote equilibrium and renewal while the yellow variety activates the solar plexus chakra. Both versions may promote dialogue between physical world and spiritual realm, strengthening psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and telepathy.

4. Selenite

Selenite is an ethereal crystal that brings gentle clarity to the mind, making it an excellent tool for emotional healing and connecting with angelic realm. Additionally, this stone also has aura-cleansing properties which may help balance hormones.

Selenite encourages purity and liberation by helping us let go of things that no longer serve us. Its clarity and light-filled energy help keep your focus on your spiritual path.

This crystal is well-known for its ability to neutralize free radical damage, improving cellular health and even aiding fertility. This is an effective tool for maintaining an immune system healthy environment as well as supporting fertility.

5. Stellar Beam Calcite

Stellar Beam Calcite resonates strongly within the higher chakras and is widely recognized as an effective ascension stone. It can help facilitate travel within higher realms while strengthening contact with angels and spirit guides.

This stone can help ease tension headaches, alleviate joint pain, soothe indigestion and enhance psychic abilities and intuition.

Stellar Beam Calcite crystals can be an invaluable aid to meditation, stimulating both the third eye and crown chakras as well as connecting with the solar plexus. Furthermore, these stunning specimen grade crystals come from Elmwood Mine in Tennessee USA for optimal use in manifesting and connecting to spiritual paths.

6. Yttrium Fluorite

Yttrium Fluorite is a rare earth crystal belonging to the Fluorine group and features delicate pastel purples, pinks and yellows for an engaging aesthetic. This high vibration crystal helps enhance psychic visions (clairvoyance) as well as spiritual development; furthermore it can facilitate telepathic communication.

Crown and Soul Star chakras. It connects with other stones like Black Tourmaline, Chalcopyrite, Herderite for protection; also works well when combined with Smoky Quartz and Clear Quartz crystals from the Quartz family. Smoky Quartz is also an excellent stone to support those working in service and altruism by strengthening their positive energy and increasing loving feelings.