High vibration crystals are an invaluable asset to anyone seeking to boost their spiritual energy. By helping raise your vibration, they assist with spiritual development while opening up communication channels with spirits in higher dimensions.

1b crystal was designed to respond to natural vibration with maximum speed and energy conversion efficiency, surpassing other mechanically responsive crystals in terms of both speed and energy conversion efficiency.

Love and Gratitude

High vibration crystals can help increase love and gratitude in your life. Not only can these crystals foster spiritual development, they may also assist with developing psychic powers like clairvoyance, clairaudience and telekinesis.

Integrating high vibration crystals into your daily routine can be an easy way to boost your vibration and bring more love into your life. Try meditation with Moldavite or wearing some smoky quartz as part of a necklace or bracelet – these stones can also be used for other purposes, like absorbing negative energies, clearing spaces and activating manifestation grids.

Amethyst, a deep purple crystal that boosts intuition and opens your Third Eye and Crown Chakras, can be an immensely powerful high vibration crystal that accelerates spiritual awakening by connecting you with higher dimensional beings such as spirit guides or angels, amplifying psychic gifts such as clairvoyance or clairaudience, or amplifying existing psychic gifts like clairvoyance or clairaudience. Black tourmaline provides additional grounding benefits when working with higher vibration crystals.


Happiness means something different to everyone, but typically it involves feeling contented with life and finding ease and brightness in everyday situations. High vibration crystals can aid this process by amplifying positive energies, thoughts and intentions that strengthen positive change within us all.

Crystals can help people explore and communicate with higher realms easily and effortlessly, such as spiritual guides or angels. To protect yourself from unwanted energies or encountering beings that you do not wish to meet when working with these crystals it’s wise to bring along some psychic protection – this will prevent unwanted encounters from coming your way!

Red Jasper is an ideal crystal for creating happiness as it promotes emotional healing, strength and stability. Additionally, it is known as an “Opportunity Stone,” so can be used to bring luck or open doors into one’s life. Furthermore, this stone encourages hope and optimism; you can use it alone or combine it with other joyful crystals for maximum effect!

Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing

Crystals are thought to have a beneficial effect on our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. According to popular belief, they cleanse negative energies away while encouraging healing on all levels.

Meditation can help us let go of old beliefs that no longer serve us and strengthen our intuition, providing us with greater peace, love and joy as well as encouraging spiritual development by connecting us with our angels and guides.

The high vibration frequencies emitted from these instruments can aid the healing process, decreasing pain and inflammation while simultaneously aiding meditation and mindfulness practices. Studies have also indicated that mindfulness practices have positive impacts on anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Allow your crystals to guide your selection process; allow your intuition to lead the way when selecting crystals as they make an excellent accompaniment for spiritual practices and other forms of meditation. They make an ideal part of any spiritual practice you undertake.


Manifestation, or the law of attraction, states that what we focus on and vibrate with is what manifests into reality. High vibration crystals help increase energy so you can attract more positive experiences into your life.

Crystal proponents assert that certain stones can assist you in manifesting, including amethyst, ametrine, clear quartz and iron pyrite. Ametrine promotes balance between spiritual insight and practical decision-making while amethyst can aid emotional release as it opens your Third Eye and Crown Chakras for increased intuition.

To harness these powerful allies for manifestation, start with clarity and intention. Begin by holding your chosen crystal in your hand until a sense of connection has formed, then setting an intention and visualising it vividly. After imprinting this intention upon the crystal, wear or carry it as jewellery; or create a grid of stones in accordance with your goals that resonates with their energies before sitting quietly to meditate and engage with its energies.