Holistic healing aims to support your body’s natural ability to heal itself, providing an alternative form of medicine that has grown increasingly popular over time.

Lifestyle medicine encourages patients to take charge of their wellness through lifestyle modifications and nutritional supplements, spiritual practices and spiritual beliefs. The history of lifestyle medicine dates back as far as Hippocrates who emphasized self-healing practices.


Ayurved therapy emphasizes promoting health through diet, herbal medications, massage therapies and yoga. Unfortunately, many of its practices have yet to be tested for safety or effectiveness in the United States and may interfere with conventional medical care.

Ayurveda practitioners believe that all aspects of our bodies, minds and spirits are interdependent with everything around them; when something disturbs the balance, illness results. Ayurvedic medicine uses space, air, fire and water elements as ingredients for three life forces called doshas that regulate how the body operates.

The Cleveland Clinic advises obtaining medical advice prior to using any Ayurvedic supplements, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffering from serious health conditions or taking Ayurved treatments containing herbs, metals and other potentially hazardous components that may pose potential threats.


Yoga is an ancient tradition focused on physical fitness, stress relief and spiritual growth. Yoga involves breathing exercises, meditation and physical postures designed to reduce anxiety while improving sleep quality – even helping alleviate arthritis pain or back discomfort! Studies have revealed its powerful healing powers.

Traditional doctors tend to offer temporary relief, while holistic practitioners look deeper. They may employ therapies like botanical medicine and acupuncture in order to heal naturally.

Holistic therapy can empower patients to understand their innate healing power and take more control over their health. It may also decrease dependence on prescription medication; moreover, these techniques tend to be more cost-effective and have less side effects.


Meditation has been used holistically as an ancient healing practice for millennia. While its original purpose was to deepen understanding of life’s sacred forces, today most commonly it’s used to relax and reduce stress. Research indicates that regular meditation improves health, happiness, self-control productivity and well being – providing an ideal practice to foster wellbeing for people everywhere.

Meditation has been found to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol and cytokine levels as well as structural and functional changes in brain regions that regulate mood and emotion. You can meditate by either sitting upright or lying down and closing your eyes – when thoughts wander back toward breathing just acknowledge them without judgment before gently redirecting focus back toward breathing to reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones like compassion, self-compassion and metacognition.

Nutritional counseling

Holistic healers offer patients a range of services to promote overall wellness, from providing customized wellness plans to making diet and lifestyle adjustments, herbal medicine treatments or massage to address underlying issues – some methods have even been scientifically tested while others remain unclear as to their efficacy.

Holistic practitioners believe that every aspect of an individual contributes to their overall health and well-being, so holistic practitioners seek to treat patients as individuals rather than treating symptoms alone. Many have applauded this holistic approach as an alternative to conventional medicine that empowers patients to take greater control over their healthcare decisions.


An acupuncture session involves inserting needles into multiple “acupoints,” in order to rebalance your energy and encourage it to produce natural chemicals that fight disease.

Traditional Chinese healers believe that our bodies contain an invisible life force called “qi.” When this life force flows freely and efficiently to all areas, good health results. If it becomes restricted or deficient, symptoms like pain may ensue.

Recent research indicates acupuncture can provide relief for several health issues, including low back pain and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture can also assist with addiction, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic headaches and facial tics; often in conjunction with chiropractic care, physiotherapy or massage therapy services.