Holistic healing practices take an alternative approach to treating health conditions than surgical or pharmaceutical methods do, often known as complementary therapies, alternative medicine, natural healthcare or naturopathy. They can easily fit into your wellness plan and lifestyle plan.

Holistic healing may not be considered the traditional approach, yet its roots stretch back centuries. Jamu is one of the oldest wellness traditions which provides a great example of holistic healing at work.


Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical technique in which trained professionals insert thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate them, is most frequently used to relieve neck and back pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia as well as reduce high blood pressure, heartburn and depression.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes acupuncture restores balance between two opposing forces known as yin and yang, representing vital energy within our bodies that affects spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. This energy flows along channels known as meridians running throughout our bodies.


Massage can be an invaluable aid to holistic healing. It can ease muscle soreness and increase flexibility while stimulating lymph drainage systems to enhance nutrition delivery to every part of the body.

Trigger points, sensitive spots in muscles that refer pain elsewhere in the body, may also be relieved with chiropractic treatments. Trigger points may result from stress or injury and cause chronic headaches, neck ache and backache among other symptoms.

Relaxation techniques can also help improve sleep quality and decrease anxiety levels, providing you with time for just yourself to de-stress from everyday stressors.


Yoga is a body of physical and spiritual practices originating in ancient India that has since been practiced as part of modern secular society. Yoga teaches that humans have six layers that help create distinct senses of identity within themselves.

Holistic medicine may be a relatively recent buzzword, but the concept behind it dates back to Hippocrates, one of the fathers of modern medicine, who took a holistic approach to health care, encouraging patients to use their bodies’ natural healing capabilities for care. Holistic practitioners seek out root causes of disease using various therapies like herbal treatments and massage.


Meditation is an effective mind-body complementary therapy that can reduce stress and boost overall health. Studies have revealed it to lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol, increase brain size and gray matter as well as enhance immune function intelligence and creativity.

Meditation requires sitting comfortably, either on a cushion or chair. If your attention wanders, gently bring it back to breathing; if thoughts or feelings arise that cause discomfort or distress, accept them without judgment, and allow them to pass by without getting attached.


Holistic medicine encourages patients to play an active role in their own wellness. Patients learn ways to reduce external sources of stress, eat better and exercise more efficiently for total body healing.

When treating headaches holistically, holistic practitioners take an holistic approach. They’ll consider diet, vitamin levels and stress level among other things when providing effective treatments and preventative care solutions. This enables them to offer more efficient care options.


Traditional doctors typically provide treatments that address symptoms only; holistic health practitioners look to identify and address their cause from within. They may suggest various clinically proven therapies from exercise and diet change to psychotherapy and spiritual counselling as treatment plans for their illnesses.

Alternative remedies, including acupuncture, herbal medicine and ancient mystery school meditative practices may also help restore your natural energy flow and regain wellness. Modern supplements may also be added for added support to achieve the best results possible.

When purchasing supplements, look for ones that have been third-party tested to ensure their quality and make sure that you are receiving exactly what your body requires to heal itself.