New York Open Center Bookstore

Near the lush landscape of Central Park and boasting tables and displays outside, this stall sells discounted or half-price books to support good causes. They carry an expansive selection of art/design/architecture/planning books; travel books (maps, picture books and language cassettes); mystery/science fiction paperbacks; as well as bargain-priced newer titles related to Buddhism/Tibet history.

Three Lives Bookstore offers books covering Eastern and Western religions, spiritual growth and holistic health, meditation and yoga as well as astrology, Tarot, Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction as well as early New Thought authors such as Helena Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce Rudolf Steiner etc. Additionally they carry herbs oils crystals CDs as well as having an in-house cafe offering cards aromatherapy products and gifts from various suppliers.


Namaste has become a common greeting in Western yoga culture, often used at the end of yoga classes or seen printed on tote bags and water bottles. But its deeper significance in Hindu culture lies within greeting others with respect.

Vose emphasizes the significance of respecting yoga’s roots and being conscious of cultural appropriation when using its associated phrases. Pronunciation of “yoga” should also be taken seriously – many Americans mispronounce it with too much emphasis placed on its last syllable, making the word difficult to read aloud.

Namaste Locals app is an amazing way to both support local businesses and meet like-minded people, while creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem between consumers and businesses. Committed to data accuracy, its dedicated support for local entrepreneurs while offering reliable shopping experience makes this available on both iOS and Android devices for convenient shopping experience! Download your copy today!


These stores, commonly found in urban centers with significant Latino populations, serve both religious supplies and alternative medicine needs of Latinos who fall two points above the national unemployment average and often lack health insurance coverage. Offering healing rituals, herbal remedies and magic potions to address ailments like arthritis, hair loss and menstrual pain is what these “plant stores” specialize in.

Botanicas (small, darkly lit stores) serve as an important hub of community life in many neighborhoods. Typically, the back area is set aside for private religious consultations using divinatory techniques like cowry shells, Spanish cards or Tarot cards (espiritismo).

Botanicas often sell spiritual items related to Santeria and Spiritism, ancient afro-Cuban religions that combine Catholicism with African Yoruba beliefs. While mainstream Catholicism does not condone these practices and evangelical churches often denounce them, many Latinos maintain close ties with these botanicas for cultural support that helps them deal with daily life more successfully.