buy healing crystals online

Purchasing healing crystals online, it is crucial that you choose reputable resellers who can provide full details about their stones as well as where they come from.

People sometimes mistake cracked or imperfect stones as imitations; however, this may not always be the case. When looking for authentic gemstones it can also help to look for tumbled or shaped ones instead of raw ones.


Clear quartz is one of the most frequently utilized crystals for healing. Known for both amplifying and healing qualities, clear quartz provides an all-in-one remedy for most ailments. Furthermore, its power may even protect against negative energies like negative emotions, poor intentions and greedy thought forms.

As well as its use for spiritual development, Quartz crystal is also widely utilized for personal spiritual growth and is believed to increase psychic powers, improve concentration and boost memory. Furthermore, Quartz is considered an excellent meditation crystal that may also assist with astral travel, past life regression and communicating with otherworldly beings.

Finding high-quality crystals requires searching out trustworthy sellers. Look for shops with short supply chains, direct deals with mines, and use ethically sourced crystals where possible. Before introducing new crystals into your life for the first time, it is also advisable to cleanse and charge them prior to use by adding salt water in a jar and leaving the crystals for 24-48 hours to soak before charging.


Jasper is a treasured gem for healers, revered as an ideal gem to cultivate spiritual abilities such as communication, vision and forecasting. Additionally, jasper can assist in physical healing efforts such as reducing blood pressure, regulating heart rhythm and stimulating cognition.

Jasper has long been used to combat anxiety and stress during exams, proving its ability to promote focus while assuaging fears of failure by providing assurance that hard work will pay off.

House of Intuition prides itself on ethical sourcing to bring ethically sourced crystals, healing products like agate geodes and hematite bracelets, as well as education about their benefits to you and the planet. Working with vendors worldwide, House of Intuition brings you ethically-sourced crystals from around the globe as well as products like hematite bracelets. Explore their collection online or if you live in California or Florida visit one of their stores – House of Intuition offers wide-ranging collections dedicated to ethical sourcing. Check them out online or visit one of their stores where their products can be purchased responsibly sourcing: House of Intuition offers ethically-sourced crystals alongside healing products like geode geodes and hematite bracelets among many others! House of Intuition provides education on their benefits through education on their various products offered.


Obsidian, often referred to as the ‘psychic vacuum cleaner, is an exceptional stone for cleansing and clearing away negative energies from our lives. It works like an invisible shield against extraneous spiritual impurities while protecting sensitive individuals from taking on others’ negativity.

Yoga helps to break through blocks that hold back life and heal emotional wounds from past traumas, as well as heal various skeletal and circulatory system ailments, along with general aches and pains by releasing stored energy within your body.

Black Obsidian resonates well with those under the Sagittarian zodiac sign, who tend to rush into adventures without fully considering the consequences. Black Obsidian serves as an effective protector against this tendency and ensures their chakras stay connected to earth at all times.


Turquoise is an effective healing crystal that helps balance relationships by dispelling negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and resentment. Furthermore, turquoise acts as an anxiety-busting stone while simultaneously opening channels for spiritual transformation by breaking down self-imposed barriers to enable higher connections with heavenly communications.

Turquoise helps the physical body by relieving respiratory issues, strengthening immunity and soothing inflammation conditions. Furthermore, turquoise assists with clear communication by connecting to the throat chakra and silencing inner critics.

As with other stones, turquoise should be regularly cleansed by either leaving it out in moonlight or sunlight for several hours or burying them into soil at full moon or new moon times; alternatively you could use a smudge stick to cleanse them and prevent any unintended energy absorption.