crystal energy tools

Energy tools are practical metaphysical items designed to promote wellness, lifestyle and crystal practices in the home. Available in a range of shapes, sizes and forms to provide ambience in each room they enhance wellness, lifestyle and crystal practices in an enjoyable manner.

Crystals are powerful healing tools, so the ideal approach for using them with crystals is to use them to strengthen your aura and facilitate healing. In this article, we’ll look at three simple crystal energy tools that can help manifest your intentions.


Meditation can help clear your mind, relax your body, and hone in on what’s positive in life. Meditation is one of the best ways to set intentions and realize goals; when combined with crystal energy tools it becomes even more effective.

Crystals and gemstones contain high vibrational frequencies that can aid in physical healing, mental clarity and emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, crystals can be programmed with your specific intentions in order to amplify them further.

Meditation with crystals starts by finding a comfortable place and setting an intention. Once your intentions have been set, close your eyes and connect with the energy of your crystal. Ask it permission to communicate with you, then observe any responses it may give in terms of shading, sounds, sensations in your body or visuals. Upon finishing meditation with crystals, thank them when completed – showing appreciation while strengthening relationships – as this strengthens any possible messages they might give or any messages it might bring forward for you in writing in a journal and show gratitude when completed – further strengthening any connections or strengthening relationships that might exist between crystals and energy centers such as chakras or similar places – use crystals however feels natural and comfortable for you – perhaps placing crystals directly on chakras for deeper healing effects!

Crystal grids

Crystal grids are an effective way of channeling crystal energies to focus your intentions, especially for manifesting more complex goals, like manifesting a new career or finding inner peace. To get started, find an environment which feels right to you – such as home, work space or outdoors – before setting up your crystal grid – this may include burning sage or using sound tools such as bells and singing bowls as ways of clearing negative energy in the room before setting it up.

After selecting six stones to create your grid, write down and keep in mind your intention as you arrange them in a symmetrical pattern. Some find it helpful to begin at the edges and work towards the center; others prefer beginning from within and working outward. It is essential that your grid includes an anchor stone such as paper with your intention written on it or crystal that matches up with it; clear quartz makes an ideal anchor stone because its properties multiply other crystals’ properties.

Flower of life pattern

The Flower of Life pattern is a sacred geometry symbol that represents our interdependence as living beings, often used in crystal grids to manifest intentions and goals. When stones placed within this sacred geometry pattern are empowered with positive intentions, their energy amplifies and resonates more closely with their intended purposes.

This ancient and sacred symbol, commonly referred to as the Seed of Life, can be found across cultures worldwide. Comprising an intricate interlocking design made up of circles that appear as an infinity sign, its purpose is thought to contain ancient knowledge about creation of universe and beyond.

Complexity comes from each circle being designed according to the Golden Ratio, an element found naturally. Its symmetry represents our physical and spiritual bodies coming together, often associated with Kabbalistic beliefs as it unifies seven chakras (energy centers in our bodies that control different vibration frequencies).

Hexagon pattern

Hexagonal patterns can help align crystals for better clarity of mind, stronger focus, and manifesting intentions. They can also assist you in navigating life and overcoming obstacles more efficiently. Hexagons are prevalent throughout nature and possess special meaning; for instance, bees use hexagonal designs when building their honeycombs – it allows them to pack identically-shaped cells more efficiently than square or triangular arrangements would.

Hexagons can be divided into two main components: Ports and Adapters. Ports allow applications to interact with external systems/devices while driven Adapters serve as implementations of these interfaces outside of Hexagon’s core Hexagon; thus making testing, debugging and refactoring of code easier. This approach decouples your business logic from external dependencies while making code refactoring much simpler.