No matter your level of meditation experience or newness, crystals can enhance your practice thanks to their properties that reduce stress and enhance focus.

Create an intention for your meditation practice – such as healing yourself, finding peace and balance or connecting to higher power – then transmit this intention into your crystal.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz crystal amplifies energy and helps you focus, enabling you to channel specific intentions during meditation. It can be especially effective for soothing an overactive mind while providing clarity when setting new goals or intentions.

Clarity-enhancing stones like crystal are vital tools in reaching our dreams by helping us connect to our highest selves and to align ourselves with what lies beyond. Leo zodiac sign people may particularly find comfort from crystal’s emotional-balancing properties as it assists with emotional overdrive.

For best results when using crystals during meditation, simply sit comfortably and hold the stone in the hand that does not typically dominate you. Focus on breathing slowly in and out. Imagine that the crystal absorbs any negative energies and cleanses your aura – repeat this process several times until you feel peace and serenity.


Citrine is an invigorating stone that’s often chosen as an aid in finding motivation and clarity, and to foster confidence – making it the ideal crystal to use when trying to advance one’s career or business.

Citrine’s vibrant yellow and gold colors resemble that of the sun, making it an uplifting crystal to promote optimism, personal will, and self-improvement. Citrine may help align Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra chakras for increased creativity and self-esteem.

To use Citrine effectively, find a quiet spot to meditate and hold or place one piece either in your hand or on your stomach. Let its bright energy penetrate your solar plexus chakra before taking several deep breaths allowing this light to bring healing.


Aquamarine brings peace and relaxation to the soul with its watery blue color reminiscent of the ocean. This gentle stone’s soothing energy has long been recognized for promoting clarity of thought while soothing fears and anxieties, aiding communication when public speaking or dealing with family and friends, as well as aiding communication between family members themselves.

Aquamarine is widely recognized as one of the most compassionate stones, encouraging honest and articulate expression, helping foster understanding between partners, fostering more rational approaches to conflict resolution, opening and activating throat chakras for clear communication and self-expression, relieving anxiety and encouraging restful sleep – making it the ideal stone to use during times of stress or when contemplating difficult decisions.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz emits a soft energy that encourages opening the heart chakra (Anahata) and developing unconditional love. It has been said to create unbreakable bonds, foster new relationships, and bring healing into existing ones.

Stones such as Quartz can assist with releasing grudges and negative feelings from past experiences, encouraging forgiveness and moving on. Their soothing properties make them perfect for use during meditation to ground and balance energy flows around you.

Cleanse your rose quartz crystal by washing it under warm water, using a damp cloth to scrub away any build-up of dirt, and repeat this process a few times to keep the stones looking their best. For an additional thorough cleansing session, place them under moonlight overnight and use visualization techniques to clear and recharge their stones.


Tourmaline is an exceptionally powerful crystal for providing protective benefits, acting to ward off negative energies and psychic attacks.

Far infrared rays and negative ions released by this stone help boost immune functions and detoxify the body, as well as improving mood issues naturally through negative ion production – similar to antidepressant medication but without their harmful side effects. It can also serve as an excellent choice for those looking for emotional balance as it’s said that far infrared radiation helps strengthen immunity while negatively charged ions detoxify. It’s a perfect stone for anyone suffering from mood problems as they may use these natural treatments without medication side effects! It also serves those struggling with mood issues as it emits far infrared radiation as well.

Black Tourmaline is said to help heal the heart chakra by dispelling emotional pain and aiding forgiveness, grounding and stabilizing, protecting against gaslighting or brainwashing, or protecting against toxic energies such as electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic pulses.