Natural crystals and gemstones are incredible works of nature. Their creation takes millennia of geological time, often occurring in remote corners of Earth with abundant mineral reserves.

Certain crystal structures become gems due to their color and appearance; examples include amethyst and cymophane (commonly referred to as cat’s-eye chrysoberyl). Others cannot be classified either as gemstones or crystals due to differences in their atomic arrangement;

Healing Properties

Since ancient times, crystals have long been recognized for their healing powers. Egyptians employed gems like lapis lazuli in jewelry, amulets, and burial rituals; Chinese Acupuncturists revered jade as an ultimate healer, while Indian Ayurvedic traditions used ratnas to promote health.

Crystals possess unique physical characteristics such as specific arrangements of atoms that affect light refraction, energy flow and electrical charge–what some refer to as “qi.” To use crystals for healing involves activating, channeling and applying this natural Universal Life Energy towards holistic wellness.


Crystals and gemstones not only possess therapeutic benefits, but are also beautiful additions to the home. Their soothing colors and textures can help reduce stress levels by helping relax the mind. Furthermore, crystals can also be integrated into various wellness practices – including skincare regimens by adding gem-infused serums, face masks or tonics into skincare routines.

Use of crystals in jewelry or meditation can increase their healing effects. Recharging them by placing them under the moonlight can help align their energy frequencies with your intentions.

People sometimes use crystals in decorative forms such as spheres and tumbled stones to add an elegant touch to any space. Although many refer to crystals and gemstones interchangeably, it’s important to keep in mind that not all minerals form gems; crystals are inherently crystalline whereas not all minerals do form gems.

Prayer Beads

Since ancient times, many cultures have utilized healing stones in spiritual and wellness practices. Nowadays, complementary and alternative health practitioners frequently combine traditional practices with an holistic focus; crystals can often be found being integrated into mindfulness and meditation practices which aim to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Integrating crystals into spiritual and religious rituals can also strengthen intentions – these goals or ambitions that we strive towards through daily living, such as increased self-love.

Prayer beads can also help us set our intentions by keeping us focused and present during meditation or spiritual practice. The first bead on a 108-bead prayer chain, known as an invitatory bead, can be used to recite Scripture verses or inspirational phrases from Scripture or from inspiring literature; while the 109th bead represents your teacher or tradition that guides your spiritual journey. Adding crystals such as clear quartz can further boost energy while amethyst helps strengthen intuition and spiritual development.


Gemstones and crystals add an exciting new element to jewelry-making, from the shimmering beauty of emeralds and sapphires to amethyst’s grounding energy. Not only are gemstones beautiful, they have long been used as powerful talismans and healing stones that promote wellness, prosperity and emotional balance in various ways.

All minerals form crystal structures defined by geometric parameters (i.e. the unit cell). Gemstones can form in various ways, from deep within the Earth itself or being brought up through volcanoes, with some such as opal or jade even showing trace amounts of other minerals known as inclusions.

How to Test for Real Crystals (Photo 1) You can verify if a crystal is real by weighing it next to glass pieces of equal size; authentic crystals should weigh more. They can also be examined using scratch tests; genuine crystals have hard surfaces that leave marks when scratched with sharp objects, leaving scars on soft materials such as plastic and glass.