Many believe that crystals and gemstones possess healing powers. They can reduce stress, foster forgiveness, promote emotional stability and foster love of truth while increasing compassion and nonjudgmental attitudes.

Crystals and gems differ primarily in their internal structures. While crystals possess regular, repeating lattice patterns, gems can have either crystalline or amorphous structures.

They are formed in nature

Crystals form when atoms align themselves in an ordered lattice structure. Their large geometric forms and flat faces reflect this internal arrangement, and these building blocks can be found both naturally and as gemstones.

Gemstones are minerals formed under certain conditions and their appearance and value determine their worth. Gems may possess either crystalline structures or be irregular and lack patterns – with crystals having precise geometric forms while irregular materials often lack patterns altogether.

Minerals form in nature through both organic and inorganic processes, with some like diamond forming deep within the Earth while others, like opal, form from liquids that seeped through cracks in rocks to form deposits on them. Geological processes like erosion and mountain building also play a part in gemstone formation.

Rainwater often reopens passageways in rock that were previously closed off, prompting new minerals to form over older ones – this process is known as pseudomorphing and one cause of gemstone inclusions.

They are mined

Formation of crystals requires several geological conditions. First, rocks must be sufficiently hot; underground ingredients should contain specific combinations that have all of the right components present; crystals must have space to develop; once these criteria have been fulfilled, crystals can take on various forms, with different colors depending on any impurities present in their atomic structures.

Gas crystallization can result in gemstone formation; Herkimer diamonds, named for their origin in Herkimer County, New York, are one such gem formed through this process. Their water-clear clarity resembles diamond shapes with occasional inclusions such as hair in amber or green aventurine.

Other crystals may be mined by digging in lakes and rivers. This technique, known as “wet digging” or panning, can help miners unearth colorful gems such as opals and amethysts. Miners use a pan to wash sediment away, leaving behind only heavy stones at the bottom that they can then collect for later collection.

They are valued

Crystals are valued for their beauty, healing properties, spiritual energy, and collector’s value. Crystals are typically measured and priced per carat but size doesn’t always determine value – other factors including color/clarity (Sapphires tend to contain inclusions), cut size and unusual optical phenomena such as chatoyance/asterism must all come into consideration as well.

Gemstones often boast attractive inclusions that add an additional appeal and desirability, such as parallel needle-like rutile crystals in rutilated quartz that create a band of light resembling cat’s eyes. Other stones, like green demantoid garnet with its feather-like inclusion called chrysotile that mimics horsetails, also possess this feature.

While natural crystals may seem expensive, some are actually surprisingly affordable. A good quality emerald may sell for as little as several thousand dollars per carat! Specialized jewelry insurance should also be taken into consideration if you own any expensive crystals or gemstones in your collection.

They are used in healing

Crystal healing has become an increasingly popular alternative therapy, offering emotional and physical well-being benefits to its practitioners. This practice involves holding or gazing upon crystals which are believed to emit powerful healing vibrations that aid various ailments – many people believe these energy vibrations promote health, healing and spiritual development; yet scientists and complementary health practices experts disagree about whether these stones have real healing powers.

Crystal healing may not have scientific proof behind it like other healing methods such as Reiki or acupuncture, yet there’s nothing stopping anyone from giving it a try as long as their expectations remain realistic.

Rose quartz, amethyst and opal are some of the most widely-used healing crystals. These stones can be used to balance heart chakra, attract love and promote self-love; additionally they’re often utilized in feng shui or jewelry design as well as chromotherapy treatment (using color to heal), according to Healthline. According to them these healing stones resonate with seven chakra points in human bodies.