New Age stores specialize in helping their customers make positive life changes through various types of spiritual tools such as crystals and tarot cards. Furthermore, many host workshops and community events that help attract potential customers while building strong communities.

The beliefs espoused by the New Age movement can range widely, covering an assortment of ancient philosophies. Many adherents tend to reject biblical monotheism in favor of monism or pantheism.


Crystals have quickly become trendy among spiritual communities. From Kylie Jenner’s Instagram post to psychic services industry growth, crystals are popular spiritual items. But why is their appeal?

Crystals have long been used in society. Now they’re also an element of new age mythology which claims that crystals possess healing powers and can transmit high vibration frequencies.

New Age stores specialize in selling crystals, candles, herbs, tarot cards and aura photography as well as offering events and workshops such as tarot readings, chakra balancing sessions, guided meditation circles as well as books and tarot decks for sale. Furthermore they stock books about Tarot; many offer herbal remedies as well as products related to holistic health as well as smudging sprays and even Reiki certification certification services for holistic healthcare needs.

Tarot cards

Tarot cards may be associated with fortune-telling, but they can also be used for meditation and spiritual guidance. Each card’s imagery and symbols offer insight into its deeper meaning; you can use these cards to explore your emotions and beliefs or find ways to move forward with life.

A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards representing both major and minor arcana. These are organized into suits of wands, swords, cups and pentacles to represent various elements and aspects of life; their meaning derived from ancient archetypes that resonate within collective unconscious.

Not only should you learn the meanings of the cards, it’s essential that you practice by conducting readings for both yourself and others. Many tarot practitioners compare this process to learning a language, suggesting it could take months before becoming fluent.


Candles can be an integral part of spiritual rituals. As symbols of peace and love, candles serve to bring the community closer together while reminding those far away of those they care about. Additionally, candles are great tools for affirmations exercises as well as pairing with spiritual crystals for specific uses.

No matter what shape, size, or fragrance your spell candles take, what matters is their energy you infuse them with. Spell candles often include symbols carved into them that increase their potency. Shaped or scented candles further boost their power.

Some may argue that burning candles releases harmful toxins into the air, while others believe it’s an innocuous way to relax and meditate. Many New Age stores provide workshops to help customers connect with their spirituality.


Burning incense can help many feel relaxed, and is often used for meditation, relaxation and prayer. But using incense does pose health concerns – inhaling synthetic chemicals present in its smoke could cause respiratory issues; additionally it may set off fire alarms and trigger allergies.

Selecting an incense can depend on your desired results, whether they be finding love or opening your third eye. When burning it, its direction of smoke blowing can provide clues as well – if it goes rightward, that signifies luck and blessings!

Ms. Lopez considers her products tools of trade and treats them with respect. Since beginning the quarantine, her sales have tripled and many customers have sent care packages with heartfelt messages for her to keep.


Jewelry has long been valued as an art form, both for its beauty and monetary value. Commercially produced jewellery still follows traditional styles and designs while some designers have expanded the concept of wearable art further. Necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets are popular forms of jewelry available today with various styles available to them.

Spiritual and wellness practices often focus on mental health and stress relief, and spiritual jewelry often includes symbols or materials believed to promote these effects. This has contributed to an exponential rise in spiritual adornment sales.

New Age products can be found from multiple sources, including online retailers, boutique stores and distributors. Retailers can access a variety of new age items at wholesale prices by using a dropshipper that specializes exclusively in these items.