One of the most frequently asked crystal questions is, “Which are the best protection crystals?”

Protection crystals provide a protective energy shield around you to ward off unhealthy vibrations and influences that could potentially harm you, such as psychic disturbances, harmful energies or electromagnetic frequencies. They serve as your personal energy protectors who keep you safe from psychic disruptions, harmful energies, electromagnetic frequencies or psychic attacks.

Pyrite is one of the best protective crystals, thanks to its wide energy reach. Keep it around your home or wear it as jewelry for maximum protection from negative energies and thoughts.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an energetic shield and grounding stone. It protects against psychic attacks and electromagnetic radiation while soothing anxiety and stress, creating a sense of stability and security.

Black Tourmaline is also believed to aid with issues surrounding self-confidence and fear of failure, dispelling negative energies while channeling them into nurturing vibrations that uphold soul health.

Black Tourmaline can help those experiencing difficulty sleeping by soothing their minds and providing a restful slumber. As such, healing spaces often include Black Tourmaline for meditation or energy work sessions.

Black Tourmaline can be used in rituals like the Negativity Removal Jar to remove negativity from a space, as well as creating a safe and harmonious living space in homes.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz crystal is widely known for its manifesting capabilities, helping people realize their intentions more quickly. Furthermore, this stone provides mental clarity and focus.

Clear quartz helps open blocked energy pathways in your body and restore equilibrium to all chakras, working as an amplifier in tandem with other stones to promote positive thinking and emotions while filtering out negative energies. It amplifies positive energies while filtering out negativity.

Clear Quartz can strengthen intuition and connect to your higher self for greater guidance and enlightenment. In addition, Clear Quartz may assist with astral projection, lucid dreaming and opening the 3rd eye.

Clear Quartz crystal is often utilized as an aid for meditation and spiritual work, providing clarity of thought while increasing spiritual receptivity. Easily portable, Clear Quartz can be worn around the neck or placed in your pocket – when charged it may need to be put onto a Selenite charging plate to recharge.


Pyrite is well known for enhancing memory and protecting against negative energies, drawing in wealth, luxury and success into one’s life. Furthermore, this crystal is said to increase confidence levels while simultaneously strengthening one’s sense of self-worth and helping one to recognize illusions to better focus on what really matters in life.

Pyrite resonates with both solar plexus and root energy centres, amplifying personal power, self-confidence, and manifesting abilities. It may help promote courageous action such as adventurous adventuring; problem-solving skills; leadership qualities; resourcefulness – qualities which could inspire courageous action that could bring success.

As is true of all crystals, Pyrite must be regularly cleansed and charged so it can continue its protective role and mop up any negative pollution on your behalf. Sound vibrations from singing bowls may also help cleanse and charge it effectively; for optimal results it may also be wise to bury the Pyrite into the earth from time to time to reconnect it with its grounding and healing properties.


Selenite is one of the strongest protective crystals for home and personal use. This stone serves to shield your space from negative energies while clearing electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) generated from electronic devices as well as shifting mood swings.

Clarity and balance come from using quartz crystals in your mind, helping keep it grounded while reaching for spiritual goals. They make great additions to home offices, bathrooms and children’s bedrooms.

Selenite crystals can be cleansed easily with intention and visualization, or by passing through the smoke of burning sage or palo santo to release any negativity attached to them. You can also rinse under running water for several seconds in order to cleanse energetically.

Another effective method for cleansing and charging other healing stones is placing them on selenite for 24 hours, allowing your crystals to connect with its energy and transfer its strength.