Reiki healing is an ancient Japanese healing art which utilizes universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Crystals often serve to augment this practice and direct it toward targeted areas that need special attention.

As part of your collection of Reiki stones, add these gems: Selenite is a variety of gypsum that activates both Third Eye and Crown Chakras for wisdom, clarity and brainpower.

Chakra Layouts

Chakra stones can help align and balance the energy centers within your body, such as chakras. They’re an invaluable asset when used for meditation, relaxation or Reiki sessions – you could wear one around your neck as jewelry, carry it in your pocket or use them in living spaces to balance out energy in an area.

Crystals are connected with each of the seven chakras and help to rebalance and cleanse them when blocked by negative emotions or thoughts. Furthermore, these crystals promote wellbeing by strengthening weak areas while simultaneously balancing overactive ones.

For example, amethyst crystals are associated with clearing and stimulating spiritual enlightenment in the crown chakra. Green healing crystals such as jade and bloodstone help promote unconditional love and open communication in the heart chakra, while yellow citrine crystals help boost personal power and self-confidence at solar plexus chakra level.


Green stone jewelry designs such as rings, earrings, and necklaces often incorporate this mellow hued stone that connects with both your Solar Plexus and Anahata chakras, which focus on trust and inner harmony.

Precognition and inner knowledge can help prepare you for whatever lies ahead in life. It also assists those who tend to hoard possessions or love, treating the root cause. Furthermore, this therapy alleviates nightmares and phobias while helping release fear, anxieties, or negative beliefs which obstruct true power within you.

Astrologically speaking, Prehnite resonates with Libra zodiac sign and the number 5. It can help restore intuition and awareness that were present during your childhood years; many believe using Prehnite brings spirit guides, angelic beings and Archangel Rafael closer. To cleanse and energize this gem properly, hold it under running water near moonlight – this will rid it of any pollution lingering on its surface and recharge its energies.


Apophyllite is widely recognized for its role in Reiki healing sessions. This beautiful stone amplifies energy flow and allows practitioners to clear away energy blockages more effectively while healing themselves more quickly. Apophyllite has also been said to facilitate journeys out of body experiences, spiritual vision and accessing Akashic Records (esoteric record of past lives).

Apophyllite is a potency crystal for connecting with spirit guides. It promotes introspection into oneself and honesty when dealing with others; helping us recognize who we truly are while showing it off to the world. Apophyllite’s stone of truth also assists with healing our past traumas from past lives or actions taken against ourselves by others, and allows for its expression in real time.

Apophyllite stone can also help create sacred space in your home or healing room, providing clarity and increasing energies of its surrounding area. However, due to its heat sensitivity and potential flaking action when exposed to intense heat sources, apophyllite should be kept away from any jewellery stones with sharp surfaces for aesthetic reasons.


Selenite is an energetically beneficial crystal that works to balance and clear away negative energies from your aura, replacing them with positive ones and creating a balanced environment for mind, body, and soul.

Selenite is widely believed to promote mental clarity and emotional lightness, helping you overcome anxiety and fear. Additionally, its vibrational qualities may facilitate connection with spirit – some even call it angelic realm – making selenite an excellent way to form meaningful angelic bonds. Jayne suggests placing some in your third eye, crown chakra or soul star chakra to foster these ties.

Jayne suggests placing tumbled selenite near your desk at work to clear away negativity caused by frustration, fatigue and boredom in professional or academic life. These stones will cleanse the air of harmful toxins while eliminating electromagnetic fields near electronics such as TVs and computers. Tumbled selenite also provides relief when dealing with frustration fatigue or boredom in your professional or academic life.