Crystals may help enhance your reiki session and increase feelings of groundedness and connection, but be wary that they may pick up negative energy as well.

Start off each use right by smudging your crystals with smoke from herbs like sage, thyme or rosemary before and after use, as well as immersing them in water to cleanse (be sure they can handle getting wet beforehand!). Additionally, consider placing them in water to further purify.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, a soft pink variety of Quartz, is commonly known as ‘The Crystal of Unconditional Love’ and resonates deeply with the heart chakra, encouraging emotional healing, forgiveness and trust.

Rose quartz can help us express our deepest feelings of love to others and ourselves more freely, encouraging compassionate relationships and strengthening a sense of community and connection.

Rose Quartz can bring love and harmony into any environment it inhabits, whether that’s at home or work. Keep one on your desk or office to promote positive interactions and emotional balance. Smudge it with sage, palo santo or cedar for additional cleansing effects, or place it on a crystal cluster to charge and magnify its loving energy.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is known to act as a protective shield against negative energies and psychic attacks, relieving any feelings of fear, anxiety or panic that arise from negative energies or psychic attacks. Furthermore, it promotes emotional equilibrium while heightening one’s sense of personal power and security.

This crystal protects and cleanses one’s aura of any negative energy, helping individuals connect to higher spiritual forces. Furthermore, it serves as an effective means for eliminating negativity in people’s lives during traumatic or challenging periods in their lives.

Many people wear or place black tourmaline jewelry or place it strategically around their homes to reduce negative energies and protect themselves against negative vibes. You can charge it by rubbing it with holy plant matter, placing it under moonlight or leaving it on a selenite charging plate for several hours.


Citrine crystal is an energetic healing stone which brings positivity, joy and abundance into our lives. This empowering stone helps reduce negativity while encouraging new beginnings – making it the ideal companion for Reiki healing sessions.

An effective form of spiritual practice encourages inner strength, self-confidence, and personal power. Furthermore, yoga serves as both physical and emotional medicine by alleviating depression, elevating moods, and relieving fatigue.

Black tourmaline is revered for its protective powers and ability to absorb and dissipate negative energy–similar to charcoal. This mineral can help guard against energetic vampires while cleansing both physical and emotional bodies of any impurities or emotional blocks that arise; digestive issues and mental blocks may be cleared away too! Additionally, its properties make it especially helpful when worn to increase confidence and courage levels in solar plexus chakra spaces.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is an excellent way to work with your third eye chakra. As the stone of truth and self-awareness, it helps release any feelings of unworthiness while encouraging you to express who you truly are. Additionally, Lapis lazuli brings healing and helps maintain commitment within relationships as well as work environments.

This stone can be an extremely helpful aid for spiritual guidance, visions, and prophetic insight. It helps soothe any irregular vibrations within three-dimensional spacetime by aligning them with the cosmic baseline that underlies our existence.

Lapis lazuli is one of the few stones which can help us connect to past lives. It is particularly helpful in relieving inflammation associated with throat and thyroid conditions, reducing headaches and improving circulation.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is an effective grounding stone that connects you to earth and promotes a strong sense of connection to roots. Additionally, this stone helps boost libido and sexual energy for both partners in romantic relationships – an excellent solution for recovering after experiencing breakup or other relationship difficulties.

Additionally, yoga can promote emotional stability by clearing blockages from your bile ducts and helping maintain more stable blood sugar levels. Furthermore, yoga helps strengthen focus while giving more accurate answers when using pendulum dowsing techniques.

Individuals going through karmic healing may find crystal healing useful; its vibratory energy can release old negative energies and patterns while welcoming in new, positive energies. You can charge it by holding it while meditating or visualizing unwanted energies leaving.