Reiki stones have quickly gained in popularity due to their benefits for mind and body wellness. From beginner practitioners to more experienced practitioners alike, these crystals can assist with creating equilibrium and well-being.

Rose Quartz promotes healing and self-love while Black Tourmaline protects against negative energy. Citrine radiates positivity and joy – two qualities essential for abundance.

They are a form of energy healing

Crystals are natural healing tools that emit energy frequencies, so incorporating them into reiki sessions can enhance their effectiveness. In order to get maximum benefits out of crystals, regular cleansing should take place; for instance smudging them with incense such as sage or moonlight bathing can help enhance their vibrational power as can using mantras and singing bowls to energize their vibration. You could even program your intentions into them so they align with your goals more easily.

When selecting crystals for use during Reiki sessions, it’s essential that they contain positive energies. Rose quartz, for instance, encourages forgiveness and self-love while black tourmaline acts as a protective stone against negative energies and electromagnetic frequencies. Citrine symbolizes abundance while selenite can clear blockages while revitalizing an aura during healing sessions.

Prehnite and apophyllite stones are effective healing stones known to heal healers while filling any holes in their auras. You can place these crystals on a Selenite charging plate to enhance energy cleansing during sessions.

They are a form of meditation

Reiki is widely believed to help people relax and heal by clearing away blockages in the body’s natural healing processes, returning it back to its natural state of health, and using stones that focus the mind while creating a peaceful, balanced atmosphere – making Reiki stones an effective meditation tool.

Reiki crystals include black tourmaline for protecting against negative energies and citrine to promote abundance, while lapis lazuli, known as the stone of truth, enhances spiritual enlightenment and psychic abilities. Green aventurine can help clear and cleanse an aura, while selenite helps cleanse and recharge other crystals.

Many people use reiki stones as jewelry to maintain an energetic equilibrium throughout the day, or place them around their home to promote a sense of peace and well-being. Furthermore, these crystals can be programmed with specific intentions for meditation or healing purposes.

They are a form of jewelry

Reiki is an alternative healing therapy that is renowned for soothing emotions and creating an overall sense of tranquillity. Reiki can also improve wellness, increase creativity and foster feelings of self-love and strength – often combined with crystals to heighten its power.

At a Reiki session, chakra crystals may be placed strategically around the body to align with each chakra system and absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and diffuse energy to bring balance and healing. Black tourmaline, rhodonite rose quartz citrine are among some of the best stones for Reiki sessions as these stones help balance heart chakra, clear throat chakra or create grid around solar plexus area.

Prehnite, apophyllite and selenite stones can also be helpful to have on hand for Reiki sessions. These stones have the ability to both heal the healer themselves as well as seal up holes in their aura and enhance intentions by cleansing your space or amplifying intentions.

They are a form of intention setting

Utilizing healing stones to set intentions can help focus your energy and foster a more positive mindset. Crystals interact with human electromagnetic fields, amplifying your intent and manifesting positive outcomes. You can choose a stone based on its color or metaphysical properties before placing it next to yourself as you think about your goal.

Rose quartz emits love and compassion, making it the ideal stone to use when setting intentions around relationships. Furthermore, it encourages forgiveness while healing emotional wounds. Meanwhile, you could use calcite – a metaphysical stone with qualities associated with clarity and truth – as an aid to help see the truth in challenging situations.

Other stones useful to Reiki practitioners include shungite, mookaite, green aventurine, lapis lazuli and citrine crystals. You can use these crystals to purify and charge your aura and chakra grids as well as enhance meditation or reiki sessions.