Rose quartz is widely believed to be a stone of love and believed to enhance romance, fertility and sexuality. Additionally, rose quartz may help reduce anger, tension, guilt grief and fear thus providing calmness and reassurance.

Place it in spaces that promote calm and loving energies such as your bedroom or workspace, where it can serve as an altar or sacred space during meditation.


Rose Quartz can help the body purge itself of toxins while aiding its natural cleansing processes, providing relief to inflammation caused by environmental stresses or UV ray exposure. It may also soothe any inflammation which has developed as a result of environmental stressors.

Spiritually, rose quartz is known for being an emotional healing stone. It works by connecting to both physical and emotional heart chakras to promote healing while creating an atmosphere of love and acceptance between individuals. Rose quartz can dispel fear and resentment to allow us to forgive both others and ourselves more easily.

Rose quartz is known to bring prosperity and success in all areas of your life, while also serving to shield against jealousy, fear and rage that might otherwise result from negative energy.


Rose quartz’s soothing energies can help heal emotional wounds and promote self-love, as well as encouraging forgiveness and kindness toward yourself and others. It is an ideal stone to utilize during times of transition in relationships or work environments.

Carnelian can also be an excellent crystal for use during meditation to help ground and connect you with yourself, working in conjunction with carnelian to align the heart chakra (Anahata).

Rose quartz can help you better understand your needs and develop a deeper relationship with yourself, while improving relationships between people. When used alongside grounding crystals such as hematite, jade or amethyst, it may provide additional benefit.

As a physical healing crystal, rose quartz helps restore balance to both heart and circulation systems while cleansing out impurities from body fluids. Furthermore, rose quartz strengthens fertility while also helping lower high blood pressure, alleviate chest and lung conditions, relieve premenstrual syndrome symptoms, prevent blood clots during pregnancy, protecting mother and baby alike.


Rose quartz’s gentle energy can purify and heal on all levels, from self-love and friendship to deep inner healing. Rose quartz also symbolizes love and compassion – making it a great choice for relationships and families.

Rose quartz can help heal emotional wounds, release fear and anxiety, and connect to higher powers. Some use rose quartz for heart chakra healing by meditating with it on their chest or palm while visualizing pink light emanating from its center.

Rose quartz crystals have many uses for physical health, from soothing high blood pressure to relieving skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. Rose quartz has also long been recognized as a “mothering” crystal to promote bonding between mother and child – placing rose quartz spheres, wands, massage rollers or crystal elixir bottles can strengthen family ties by aiding with mothering bonding between mothers and infants as well as protecting against miscarriage during pregnancies.


Rose Quartz exudes an energy of love and healing that can open your heart on all levels, inspiring connection to others while instilling personal fulfillment. It has also been proven to strengthen relationships and deepen intimacy while supporting healing from past hurts as well as encouraging forgiveness.

Rose quartz has long been believed to help prevent thrombosis and heart attacks by balancing circulation, healing heart and chest conditions, as well as aiding with breathing issues and lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, rose quartz may reduce PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, and help women become pregnant more quickly.

Feng Shui dictates that placing a rose quartz crystal in the southwest corner of your home can bring rejuvenating energies and promote self-love and compassion. Furthermore, this stone’s ability to amp up emotions makes it an invaluable aid when facing emotional hurdles, helping one stay calm instead of acting out in anger or frustration.