sage smudging kits

Smudging is a highly effective method to rid any space, person or object of negativity and bring positive energy into a room or person’s life. Smudging may help prevent illness, clear a home or office of clutter or simply attract positive vibes.

Smudging kits typically consist of bundles of herbs such as Sage, Cedar or Yerba Santa that when lit create smoke. Some come equipped with an abalone shell to collect any ash or embers as they fall from burning while a feather fan spreads the smoke further.


Sage is perhaps best-known as an herb used for smudging, but many other herbs and woods can also be burned to produce healing smoke. Smudging is a traditional practice practiced by indigenous cultures all over the world that involves burning specific plants to cleanse rooms or heal individuals.

Smudging sticks, comprised of herbs or wood used for burning, can be purchased either individually or as kits from natural health stores. Similar to incense sticks, a smudging stick can be lit with flame or candle and then blown out so the embers slowly smolder away, producing cleansing smoke. Most kits include an Abalone Shell to place the stick while another Mini Feather Fan helps direct its natural course.

Basic Smudging Kit includes White Sage, Sweetgrass and Palo Santo (commonly referred to as holy wood). Sage can help clear away negative energy and bring positive vibes into a space while Sweetgrass attracts good spirits while Palo Santo wood can be burned to clear your home of unwanted energies or spirits.


Smudging is an ancient spiritual cleansing tradition practiced across cultures around the world for spiritual cleansing and blessing. Burning herbs such as sage or palo santo wood produces smoke that purportedly cleanses one of negative energies from their body, aura or space.

To conduct a smudging ceremony, you will require a smudge stick and feather. Furthermore, it should be burned in an enclosed and ventilated space so as to safeguard yourself from burning flames while simultaneously dispelling negative energies from your space.

White sage and palo santo wood are among the most frequently used smudging sticks, both known for their powerful cleansing properties in terms of both home environment and energetic body cleansing. Both herbs feature unique aromatic profiles which enhance their effectiveness when burned as smoke.


Smudging is the ancient practice of using burning herbs and leaves with specific positive properties to remove negative energy from people, spaces or objects. Smudging has long been practiced by indigenous cultures around the world as part of spiritual cleansing rituals and ceremonies.

This smudging kit comes equipped with all of the items necessary to rid yourself and your home of negative energy. Starting with a sage wand that combines white sage with rosemary’s protective properties for an all-in-one approach. Also included is sweetgrass which is said to bring positive energy and attract prosperity; cedar wood symbolizing security warding off negativity is included as is a feather for wafting smoke around you and your space – this smudging kit also comes complete with detailed instructions manual/blessing guides as well as blessing guides so as to become familiar with this ancient ritual practice.


Smudging is an ancient indigenous practice used to purify physical spaces, objects, people and even animals from negative energies. Smudging should be treated as a sacred ceremony that should be conducted correctly and carefully. Experts advise doing it several times annually in order to rid oneself of negative energies that accumulate over time.

Basic smudging kits consist of small white sage leaves, baby desert sage or yerba santo smudging sticks and an abalone shell to catch any ash or embers after the ceremony is completed. Most kits also include feathers to help fan the smoke during smudging; either imitation eagle feathers or turkey feathers are often included for this purpose. Palo Santo wood (an aromatic, fragrant holy tree that thrives in Peru’s rainforest and literally means “holy wood”) combats negative energy, promote healing, and helps people reconnect with themselves through meditation practice and helps people discover themselves by connecting back into themselves and finding their innermost self.