Native American culture holds that sage can help purge people of negativity while encouraging healing, wisdom and longevity. Some have also reported its scent having a grounding effect, decreasing anxiety levels.

Before initiating any smudging rituals, it is crucial to establish your intentions. Additionally, opening windows allows the smoke a path out of the space.

White Sage & Black Sage Smudge Sticks

Sage is a highly recommended smudging choice due to its ability to purge negative energy from a room and promote clarity and concentration. Plus, this kit includes peppermint to stimulate your mind and increase energy levels!

This smudging kit includes black sage, which is known to foster dreams and visions. This herb can also help facilitate crystal ball gazing or divination sessions as well as astral projection.

Smudging kits contain herbs believed to contain spiritual energies that can heal and purify spaces, including people and objects within it. While the practice originated with Native American traditions, its popularity has since spread globally – though some practitioners have criticised its use as cultural appropriation. To perform a smudging ritual yourself or in another area you wish to purify, simply light one end of your bundle, blow out its flame, then waft its smoke around yourself or over your desired space until all smoke has dissipated completely before dissipating it entirely.

White Sage & Black Sage Smudging Sticks – Set of 3

Smudging is an ancient ritual practiced to purify spaces, objects or people with sacred herbs through burning. Sage is one of the most widely-used smudging herbs; however, each type offers specific properties and benefits.

White Sage (also referred to as Bee Sage or Sacred Sage) is native to California and known for its light yet soothing scent. Smudging with it helps clear away negative energy, purify a space and promote healing.

Black Sage (Mugwort) is an herb commonly used for divination, lucid dreaming, shamanic journeying, astral travel and protection. This bundle is ideal for clearing and cleansing yourself, your home or your business.

To use a smudging stick, open a window, hold your bundle stem side, light its tip and concentrate on clearing and protecting. Allow the smoke to fill the room while setting your intention of clearing and protecting. When all embers have burned down safely place in an abalone shell for disposal.

White Sage & Black Sage Smudging Sticks – Set of 2

Smudging is a sacred ritual among Native American people that involves burning certain herbs, resins or wood to produce medicinal smoke that purges a space or individual’s aura from negative energies, spirits, influences or harmful substances. Smudge can also help purify crystals or jewelry.

To use, hold the smudge stick at an acute 45-degree angle and light its end with a match or lighter, before blowing out the flame after several seconds and spreading smoke with either a fan or feather. Finally, carefully put the lit end in a bowl containing either ash or sand to extinguish completely.

Sage is considered sacred and often used for healing, purification and protection. It may help reduce stress levels and lower blood pressure as well as foster feelings of calmness and relaxation. Studies have also demonstrated its potential as an air purifier – in fact burning sage has shown to reduce airborne bacteria by burning. Furthermore, its powerful aromatic qualities may stimulate meditation practice by opening up pathways between mind and concentration levels.

White Sage & Black Sage Smudging Sticks – Set of 1

Sage has long been used as a way to combat negative energy and create sacred spaces. Smudging rituals use burning sage to produce smoke that’s believed to disperse and cleanse away negative vibes while inviting in positivity.

Sage smudging kits offer an easy and natural way to rid yourself of negativity or just freshen the air in your home, offering both an antidote to negativity or refreshing air quality. Sage My Nest offers this particular one featuring a white sage wand-style bundle, baby desert sage smudging stick, abalone shell burner and wooden cobra stand – everything needed for effective air purification!

Smudging sticks from California are sustainably harvested from the wild. When burned, they release an aromatic scent of earthy and smoky goodness – providing an easy way to reconnect with nature and traditional healing practices. Each kit also comes complete with a brochure detailing all aspects of smudging.