natural crystals and gemstones

Crystals have long been prized for their beauty, rarity and purported healing properties. Stanford medievalist Marisa Galvez is exploring their historical roots.

Crystals and gemstones radiate powerful life energy, making them the perfect way to help you feel your best. But exactly how do they work?


Crystals and gemstones evoke images of beautiful minerals with captivating hues that both look attractive and exude energy. Since their discovery by humans centuries ago, crystals and gemstones have fascinated us, but understanding their differences is vital in order to properly use and respect them.

Scientific definition of crystals goes right down to their atomic level: minerals can be classified as crystals when their atoms form highly ordered repeating patterns across all three dimensions, which determine its hardness, ability to react with light and even durability.

Internal arrangements of atoms also play a part in color. While most minerals appear colorless when taken in their pure state, when impurities in their atomic structure interact with light they produce different hues – known as pleochroism – which can be observed with a dichroscope gemological tool. Some stones (rubies and sapphires for instance) display one pleochroic color while other such as amethyst and tourmaline show two.


Many crystals have long been recognized for their mental properties. Crystals have long been part of holistic healing traditions since antiquity and are revered for their abilities to increase creativity, motivation, and happiness. Crystals also help overcome mental blockages and treat psychiatric diseases – malachite is said to help get to the core of problems by dispelling negative energy; encouraging self-love while simultaneously building empathy; it even eases depression while lifting moods! Sunstone encourages creative pursuits by stimulating memory; relieving skepticism while inspiring more critical thought – great properties indeed!

When choosing a crystal, be sure to purchase one with genuine characteristics that differentiate it from synthetic or chemically treated pieces. Furthermore, it should have its own story that makes it stand out. When buying crystals online it’s best to steer clear of those containing overly familiar names like Strawberry Quartz, Arizona Spinel or Smoky Topaz as these may be fakes.


Crystal healing proponents assert that certain stones contain specific properties which aid emotional healing. This could prove particularly helpful for individuals dealing with anxiety, depression or any number of psychological disorders.

Some of the most widely-known crystals include: bumble bee jasper is said to promote health, healing and recovery from illness; dragon’s blood jasper strengthens immunity by encouraging healthy cell growth while attenuating negative energies and relieving stress; amethyst is said to alleviate mental stress caused by overactive mental processes as well as support lung and respiratory systems while encouraging clear thinking and healthy skeletal systems.

Other gems with emotional healing properties include agate, which helps reduce fear, end gossip and reflect back any negativity one might be picking up; nephrite helps balance feminine energies while heightening written and verbal communication skills; and fire agate which promotes meditation, ritual practice, spiritual healing energy, as well as increasing mediation opportunities.


Crystals and gemstones are used as part of some metaphysical practices to bring spiritual wellbeing. Their energetic carrying properties may provide healing properties. People use crystals and gemstones in rituals to restore health fields, promote peace, love, protection or any number of purposes.

Labradorite, an eye-catching mineral with the aurora borealis-esque glow of its shimmering surface, is widely revered as an aid for improving intuition and psychic abilities. Additionally, this stone boasts powerful balancing properties which bridge physical, astral and extraterrestrial realms.

Amethyst, an amber-colored gemstone known for its calming and stabilizing properties, can protect its wearer and bring luck. It encourages self-love and kindness toward others while at the same time encouraging courage to express one’s inner truth. Calcite serves as a grounding and centering stone which aids communication and intuition, healing teeth issues such as backache or can help to increase physical strength – and stimulates creativity while inspiring imagination to encourage prosperity.