Crystals can add an exciting element to your meditation experience, providing something extra. There are various methods for using them for mediation; here are a few tips and tricks that may make the process smoother.

Be mindful that crystals cannot replace medication to treat anxiety or other mental health conditions; rather, they offer support.


Meditation spaces play an instrumental role in your ability to relax and deepen your practice, so adding crystals can greatly enhance this space and further aid relaxation and engagement with meditation practice.

Select crystals whose properties align with your desired outcome, for instance amethyst can increase mental clarity while citrine helps balance emotions while selenite can foster insight.

Gitana suggests holding your crystal in your right hand for best results; left hands are thought to receive energy while right hands give off it.

Other considerations when choosing stones include their healing vibration and how it feels in your hand. Lepidolite can help release negativity during transitional periods. Raw and unpolished crystals such as obsidian are valued for their purity as their raw energy absorbs any negative energies present, making it an excellent way of purifying crystals and the meditation space itself.


As crystals attract and store different energies, it is vital to cleanse them regularly to release any negative energies they have absorbed and bring in positive healing vibrations. There are various methods of cleansing crystals such as smudging with sage or moonlight, using sound vibrations from a singing bowl or sound vibrations from an earth bowl.

The Full Moon is widely thought to be an optimal time for cleansing and charging crystals. At this time, both lunar and solar eclipses are energetically intertwined and may create significant shifts in your life.

Hold your stone with an open mind and calm heart. Imagine it filled with bright radiant light which spreads throughout it, helping flush away impurities that have collected in it and restore its brightness with renewed purpose. Be mindful when using this method as salt can damage some crystals such as Selenite, Malachite or Turquoise.


Crystals absorb energy like humans do, and need to be recharged periodically in order to unlock their full transformative power. How often? That depends entirely upon you.

Before charging your crystal, first cleanse it by running it under water or smudging with Palo Santo or sage smudge sticks. There are various charging techniques, but it’s essential that whatever approach works for both yourself and the crystal is the one used.

For example, if you are working with a stone that reacts well to fire, passing it in front of an open flame or candle smoke can instantly clear its energetic slate and fill it with fresh energy. (Just ensure to be extra cautious and follow any applicable safety regulations or rules.)

Once your crystal has been cleaned and purified, leave it to soak up sunlight during a new moon or an energetic portal day – such as August 8th (Lion’s Portal). Once set aside for several hours, retrieve and connect with it afterwards.


When using crystals for intention setting, it’s essential that you be clear on what your desired manifestations are – this could range from healing, career or biz success or spiritual development. Review your intentions frequently as goals can change over time.

Start by selecting a crystal that resonates with your intentions, holding it in your hand while taking several deep breaths to connect with its energy and ground yourself. Some practitioners also like playing relaxing music or white noise to strengthen this bond between themselves and their crystal.

Once your meditation session is over, be sure to thank the crystal for helping. Acknowledging it helps build stronger connections between you and the crystal and can bring balance and clarity into your life. Now is also an ideal opportunity to cleanse it if necessary through methods such as smudging with sage or exposing it to sunlight or moonlight.