Crystals can bring an added depth to your meditation practice, helping to tap into your intuition, calm wandering thoughts, and connect with high vibrational universal energies.

Prior to every use, it’s advisable to cleanse your crystal. Doing this helps rid it of physical and energetic impurities that might have collected in its environment.

Choosing the Right Crystal

Crystals have long been used as tools to promote peace and serenity, making them the ideal meditation aid. You can hold them in your hand while sitting down to meditate, place them around you or just have them present in the room where you’re doing so.

Start by finding a crystal that speaks to you and your intentions. Every person interacts differently with crystal energy, so finding one you feel drawn to can be essential in finding harmony with higher consciousness or tapping into its resources. Selenite or clear quartz could be particularly effective tools.

Next, create a sacred space free from distraction. Set the mood with soft music or candles, and choose an inviting chair or cushion. When you feel ready, hold your crystal and set an intention, before sitting comfortably to meditate for approximately 25 minutes – when done thank your crystal for its help and guidance!

Creating a Sacred Space

Make a sacred space for meditation and healing that helps keep you grounded during your practice by adding soothing colors, textures, and natural objects into it. Consider adding essential oils like *lavender* for relaxing or *frankincense* to ground yourself spiritually during this process.

Once your space is ready, find a comfortable seat to meditate in and settle into it. Next, arrange your crystals – cleansing each before use! You may choose whether to hold one in your hand or place it anywhere on your body; placing one on your heart chakra can promote feelings of love and kindness in life.

Start by setting an intention for your sacred space – this could range from spiritual protection to emotional balance – then envision linking this intention with one or more crystals for meditation purposes – strengthening their healing properties as a result.

Setting an Intention

Setting intentions can be accomplished in many different ways. One simple method is selecting a crystal that resonates with your desired goal and working with that instead. Alternately, affirmations or meditation techniques may also help connect to its energy and align it with your intention.

If you want to attract abundance into your life, try working with citrine as its energy is known for drawing it in. Or if you feel overwhelmed and stressed out, amethyst may help release fear and embrace bliss.

Once you have chosen and created a sacred space, set an intention. One way of setting this is to hold your crystal and say out loud or to yourself “I charge this crystal with [intention],” followed by visualizing how that intention has transferred into the crystal itself. Repeat as often as necessary while regularly reviewing goals and intentions to keep energies aligned.

Using Crystal Grids

Crystal grids can help to focus and amplify your intentions, and work well when used with other healing techniques like visualization or affirmations. They can also be enhanced with candles or other esoteric symbols for an added layer of power. Nevertheless, before beginning use it is important to cleanse both space and crystals – burning sage or using sound such as bells or singing bowls can be particularly effective at clearing away energies that have amassed over time.

Once your grid is assembled, place the master stone or focus or central crystal at its center and carefully arrange each crystal according to your selected pattern while repeating your intention aloud or silently as you go.

Once the grid is in place, take time each day to focus on visualizing and reinforcing your intentions. Engaging with its energy can help it stay aligned with your goals; if it feels blocked or heavy however, then cleansing and reactivating may be needed to unclog and activate it further.