meditation crystals

No matter where you’re starting from in meditation, crystals can serve as an invaluable aid for deepening spiritual connections. Simply set an intention and choose a crystal that aligns with it – then simply begin!

Hold a crystal in your hands and visualize it absorbing bad energy and replacing it with positive vibes. Allow this state of mindfulness to last as long as feels right for you.

How to Use Crystals for Meditation

Crystals and gemstones are powerful natural vibrational healers that amplify our intentions during meditation, amplifying its impact. Adding crystals to your practice is an easy way to deepen the experience.

Start by cleansing your crystals to rid them of any negative energy they may have gathered over time, such as burning sage around them or immersing them in salt water overnight. Once cleansed, they can be used in meditation.

As part of your session, simply place the stones either before you or hold them in your hands and focus on your intention – be it healing, clarity, emotional balance or spiritual development – then visualize sending this intention directly into one or more stones, creating an energetic bond between yourself and them.

Some individuals enjoy placing crystals at specific energy centers known as chakras – for instance, placing lepidolite at their heart chakra or rose quartz on their crown chakra.

Charge Your Crystals

Crystals vibrate at their own unique frequency and offer distinct healing energies, but with regular use can accumulate stale or cloudy energies that reduce their effectiveness as meditation tools. Therefore, it is vitally important to cleanse and charge them regularly in order to keep them vibrant & effective.

One simple and effective way to do this is to let your crystals moon bathe. This simple ritual entails placing your stones somewhere that can capture some moonlight (preferably outdoors but it could work inside on a window sill too).

Alternative approaches for cleansing crystals include using smoke from sacred herbs like sage, sweet grass or palo santo to purge them; burning incense may also work well. Leavy is fond of burying them in salt to rid their energies of any potential dust particles. Once your crystals have been cleansed you can program them to suit your intentions: for instance if you want to foster self-love or emotional healing by instilling those intentions into them out loud when speaking aloud.

Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystals act like natural sponges for negative energy and should be regularly cleansed to maintain their healing properties and length of lifespan. There are various techniques for cleansing crystals including moonlight or sunlight exposure or burning sage for energetic cleansing.

One popular method for purifying crystals with water is using it directly under a faucet, in salt water solution or even moonlight for several hours during full moon phase if desired.

Many crystals benefit from an outdoor journey to cleanse them. This is particularly true of crystals with grounding qualities, like Rainforest Jasper, Moss Agate or Bloodstone. Place them anywhere from sunny spots and backyard gardens to sunny spots under the stars – just ensure they’re not exposed to too much sun or dampness or aren’t subjected to too much negative energy from others!

Select Your Crystals

When selecting crystals for meditation, make sure they reflect your intention. For instance, if your aim is to feel more grounded and secure, choose grounding stones such as red jasper or hematite for this purpose.

An effective approach to selecting crystals is by trusting your instinct. Whether in-store or online, whatever catches your attention may well fit with your intention.

Experienced the same feelings when meeting someone new; crystals have the power to form instant connections or affinity bonds that you’ll feel both physically and emotionally. They may communicate to you in various forms such as vibrations, sounds, sensations in your body or visuals; make sure you record these experiences so you can recall their messages when meditation with crystals.