meditation crystals

Meditation can help reduce stress, facilitate relaxation, and heighten focus. Add crystals to your practice to maximize these effects and tap into their healing energies more fully.

Begin your meditation session by selecting a crystal that represents your intention for this meditation session. Either place or hold it during the session to enhance its effects.


Citrine adds an air of positivity and confidence to any meditation practice, and is particularly helpful when your goal is clearing away negative emotions or blockages from past traumas. Citrine can also assist in breaking through fears or obstacles which are blocking your path to growth.

This crystal works to activate your Crown Chakra in its most effective form: in faceted form. This helps bring clarity of thought and mental focus while stimulating creativity and encouraging self-expression; making it an excellent stone for writers, artists and those working in sales, banking, entertainment or medical fields.

Place a piece of Citrine over your Heart Chakra in the center of your chest. Visualize its golden light filling your entire being with creativity, inspiring new ideas and strengthening problem-solving capabilities. Allow your awareness to spiral down into the stone’s energy until your energy returns back into your body; when done, ground yourself by visualizing returning back up from its source into Earth itself.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is one of the most versatile crystals you can add to your meditation collection, from amplifying energy flow and directing it, as well as clearing, unblocking and focusing our minds. It is associated with our crown chakra and provides powerful support in clearing away energy blockages and clearing our thoughts.

Meditation can be an invaluable asset in decision-making, helping reduce indecision so you can engage in the process with clarity and ease. This guided meditation is ideal if you want to make changes in your life but need assistance finding the appropriate solutions.

Grab your preferred Clear Quartz crystal and hold it in the hand that isn’t your dominant one (non-dominant hand). Sit comfortably, and begin breathing deeply as you imagine healing energy flowing into every cell of your body and out into the world as an exhale – repeat this meditation until all answers have come forth.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, as an expression of unconditional love, encourages empathy and compassion – making it an excellent stone for use during meditation sessions that focus on emotional healing or self-love. Furthermore, it strengthens the heart chakra (Anahata), reduces stress levels caused by psychological trauma or resentment, strengthens Anahata chakra strength, reduces psychological trauma intensity levels as well as foster feelings of connection among its users.

Place the rose quartz on your chest or in your hand, close your eyes, and visualize a soft pink light enveloping you as you close them and visualize its energy dissolving any blocks to experiencing unconditional love and creating peace in your life.

To achieve optimal results, cleanse your crystals by either running water over them or placing them in moonlight overnight to wash away any negative energies. When meditating with rose quartz crystals, setting intentions ahead of time is also key for deepening metaphysical relationships with its frequency and healing properties; an example would be saying something like: “I am open to accepting the love in this moment.” This allows your heart chakra to open freely to receiving love.


Aquamarine is linked with the Throat Chakra and has the power to help you communicate your truth more easily. It can be particularly effective at helping to calm emotions and restore harmony if you’re experiencing fear, anxiety or anger issues.

Stones like Agates can also help clear and cleanse your energy by detoxifying it of daily worries and strain. Their serene energy has also been known to enhance mental clarity, focus and creativity for speakers, teachers, and writers.

Close your eyes and slowly inhale and exhale three times to connect deeply with Aquamarine’s water element energy. Imagine an exquisite waterfall cascading down and into a tranquil pool reflecting crisp blue sky; that is what Aquamarine reminds us of; its name derives from Latin words meaning water (aqua) and marine (marina), making this stone truly precious from beneath the sea’s waves.