Quartz crystals are piezoelectric materials, producing an electric voltage when pressure is applied to them, which makes them essential components in modern computer chips.

Lemurian quartz is a colorless variety found in three locations worldwide. This variety exhibits ladder-like grooves or striations on one side of its crystals, possibly caused by lithium inclusions.


Quartz crystals can absorb both positive and negative energies as they travel from Earth to your home, which has long been used by healers and spiritual teachers to transmit, store, focus, amplify and balance various forms of Universal life force energy.

Clear Quartz is widely recognized for its ability to clear the mind, calm emotions, and strengthen one’s aura, making it one of the most widely utilized varieties of Quartz. Furthermore, this variety can facilitate communication with Spirit, open one up to higher guidance, and support personal growth.

Clear Quartz crystals programmed with your intentions can be powerful tools in the home, helping clear and protect living spaces from negative vibrations left by previous residents. Tourmaline Quartz (another popular variety of Quartz) should also be placed strategically around the four corners to form an energetic shield against negativity and provide overall protection.


Quartz is one of the most ubiquitous crystals on Earth, forming in igneous rocks as magma cools, then cooling further through piezoelectric properties that enable it to pick up vibrational frequencies of sound, electricity and information and transmit them as precisely focused oscillations – such as those used for two-way radio broadcasting when you push a button; or as electrical impulses to light gas in piezoelectric lighters. Its colorless variety is known as rock crystal or clear quartz; while colored varieties include citrine rose quartz rose quartz amethyst and smoky quartz. It forms in igneous rocks when magma cools; while its piezoelectric properties enable it to pick up vibrational frequencies from sound transmission as it transmits oscillations as precisely focused oscillations from its piezoelectric properties which allows it to pick up sound transmission frequencies allowing music or voice transmission when pushing buttons or electric impulses used by piezoelectric lighters from an ignition device to ignite gas to ignite gas in piezoelectric lighters.

Holton’s story of incredible progress began in the 1920s when Motorola decided to incorporate quartz control as part of all their amateur radio systems, leading the US Armed Forces to adopt crystal-controlled radio into their equipment in 1939 – an act which historians consider crucial in winning World War II.


Clear quartz represents spiritual development and connection with the Universe. As an amplifier of positive energy and encourager of intuition, clear quartz helps increase awareness while increasing communication between our physical world and spiritual realm.

Metaphysically, quartz crystal symbolizes the unity of all five elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water as well as Ether or Spirit – by embodying all color vibrations across its light spectrum and being programmed for any specific use.

In shamanic tradition, quartz crystals serve as gateways into the spiritual realm and help shamans communicate with Grandmother Earth and receive instructions for healing or aiding human beings in their spiritual evolution.

Quartz crystals have long been revered for their beauty and power, often serving as symbols of faith, love, and the heart chakra. Quartz crystals represent Gaia (Greek Earth Mother Goddess), representing her primordial state from which all life emerges.

Healing properties

Quartz is an expert healer, capable of aiding any condition by balancing body systems, amplifying energy flow and activating your aetheric crown chakra. Quartz may also protect from negativity while opening higher spiritual channels receptivity as well as acting as a deep soul cleanser connecting physical with spiritual worlds.

Studies suggest that meditation promotes goodwill, harmony, and prosperity by stimulating the solar plexus and improving digestion. Furthermore, its use may ease dementia and senility symptoms as well as strengthen your ability to manage emotions and build genuine positive relationships.

Clear Quartz stones can help boost intuition and concentration, leading to clarity of mind. Many believe the angle of your crystals determines their healing properties – left-angled ones may promote logic and objectivity while right-angle crystals may release energy blockages on the left side of your body. You can cleanse and charge your quartz stones using salt water; simply combine sea salt in water jar with crystals overnight so they can take in its energy and charge themselves up with its energy.